I’m getting pretty close to celebrating my 40th, and so far I have to say that I’ve been blessed with having a good life. Stable marriage, house, kid, no unmanageable debts or issues, that kind of thing.

Maybe this is the whole midlife crisis thing, but I’m kind of looking at the latter period of my life and it’s looking comfortable but emotionally bleak for me. What I mean to say is that I really don’t want to be just working for the rest of my life. I’m looking at the idea of being a corporate drone for the next. I don’t know, 20 plus or so years until if I’m really, really lucky, I get to retire and have another five, maybe 10 years to finally do what I want before I die.

My dudes, I don’t want to finally be able to actually travel for as long as I want, get into a hobby as much as I want, or even just do nothing as much as I want only a couple of years and look back at a lifetime of work with a few years of actually enjoying living.

Have you guys ever thought about this? Have you guys come up with a plan? I want to hear your thoughts.

1 comment
  1. You have to maje time for some of things you want to do and make peace knowing nobody gets to do absolutely everything.

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