So myself(f30) and my partner (m35) have been engaged for a couple of months.
Traditionally I wear the engagement ring and because we think its cute, he wears a random ring we got on the spur of the moment in a shop as his own sortve engagement ring.
With christmas coming up I thought about getting him a proper engagement ring and withthat idea came the thought of proposing back to him. Is this dumb or a cute guesture haha it will only be between me and him,not a big show or anything.

  1. I love this. So often the women is all me me me with high expectations about the wedding particulars which frankly sends entitlement messages that can give some men cold feet. This says you are choosing him and are lucky to have him. I think it’s a powerful reciprocation and speaks well of your future partnership.

  2. Super cute! I bought my husband’s wedding band when we got engaged so I would be able to surprise him too. It was fun picking it out and he was excited to find out what I got him too.

  3. This will absolutely blow him away, I guarantee it!

    Before you propose you should pass him an Uno reverse card real quick tho lol

  4. It’s a sweet gesture, I did it for my husband and he loved it. Your partner will love it too

  5. 100 % DO IT! I’m so glad somebody else finally has this type of mentality. I feel like special moments don’t need to be gender role-based. I think especially with something that important it will be extremely meaningful for them.

  6. We bought my partner an engagement ring and I sort of proposed back to him! I think it’s really cute 🙂

  7. I’m not crying. I just have something in my eye.

    …It’s a beautiful idea. Guys love romantic stuff too. We want to be loved and chosen.

    Throw in a PS5 and it’s basically the perfect Christmas.

  8. I can’t speak for everyone. But I’d be thrilled to have that happen. I think it would be cute, sweet, and (a good type of) humorous. It would be a first for me, so it would definitely leave an impression. 🙂

  9. if he’s a traditional man DO NOT DO IT.
    if he’s a modern man go ahead.

    good luck either way

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