How do you decide what’s for dinner?

  1. Depends on what I have on hand or what I feel like eating. Sometimes the bf or daughter wants something specific so I make that.

  2. I rarely eat dinner but when I do it’s normally a craving or leftovers. If I am cooking for family or my date I have like 5 things I’m really good at cooking and rotate.

  3. On Sunday night I plan out every breakfast and dinner for the entire week so I know exactly what I’m making each day.

  4. It mostly depends how I feel after work. If I’m high energy I decide based on what is available at home. If I have low energy I stop at the first place that sounds good on my 45 minute drive home.

  5. I go through the freezer and find some meat, then I go through my recipes and pick one that sounds appetizing.

  6. My boyfriend and I can never decide on what we want but we usually know what we don’t want so we go back and forth naming something we don’t want to eat, the rule is that you can’t say something the other person has already said. Eventually we find our dinner idea lol.

  7. Open the freezer and pick out whatever speaks to me in that moment. Or ask my husband to pick something.

  8. If I have no ideas, I’ll ask friends or co workers what they’ve been eating lately and use some of their ideas.

  9. I make a menu every two weeks. Some really easy/crockpot stuff because I’ve been having an asthma flare and I don’t know how how I’ll feel on x day. Some stuff husband likes to some stuff I like and he’ll eat. Then I choose from those options depending on how I’m feeling. Tonight was lean cuisine because I’m the only one home and I had trick or treaters.

  10. Unless someone in the family tells me what they’d like, it’s usually wander round the supermarket till I see something that I think ” yeah, that’ll do” about.

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