Hey guys, I’ve been going on dates with girls and things have been strange. They are showing a ton of interest in me, asking a bunch of questions, laughing, initiating touch, kiss at the end of the date and they bring up that they want to go out on a second date without me asking. Or I’ll meet girls out downtown at the bar and same thing, showing a ton of interest, give me their phone number, kiss before they go home. All in all seems like everything is going the way it should. I send the girls a follow up message the day after the date or night out, usually saying how I had fun getting to know them and would like to go out again sometime or something along those lines. However the last few times in a row now I’ve just been getting ghosted. Or a couple responses and then ghosted. It’s really putting a down on my self esteem and makes me not want to try and continue going on dates because what’s the point if everything’s goes great and I get ghosted for no apparent reason? What do I do? I typically just never text again if they don’t respond to an initial message. I’m wondering if it’s worth sending a follow up text a few days later if I don’t get a response saying something like this “hey, I haven’t heard from you, hope everything is okay. I’ll be honest in saying I’d love to take you out again sometime, however if you’re no longer interested you can just tell me and ill totally understand. Enjoy your day!” Do you think this comes off as desperate or annoying or even worth saying? Id like to just try a get closure if I can so I’m not sitting here wondering. I feel like it would help me move on and not be so upset or stressed about continuing with my dating life. Any advice your guys would be great thanks!

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