Basically I went backpacking with a group from school and one of the girls was super cute and I vibed with. I texted her after and we met up and got ice cream and talked for like 5 hours. Now I’m getting dinner with her this week and I wanna make my intentions clear with out coming off as too strong or rushing things.

  1. There are very clear ways of making your intentions clear without forced physical touch.
    Call it a date and see how she reacts, give her flowers etc the cheesy shit that let’s you read the situation. I had a date repeatedly try to initiate physical contact too soon and it was very very uncomfortable

  2. When you meet her give her a hug and have some conversation to get a good vibe going. Then find a way to sit close to her when you talk, and start teasing and flirting. If she really likes you touch her hand when you talk, nudge her, just find little ways to touch her. If she isn’t comfortable with that, then don’t do it, so be aware of how she is responding.

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