I had really, really bad anxiety when it comes to social situations. Like, INCREDIBLY bad anxiety. I could hardly talk to strangers if at all and I actually had to prepare myself and give myself a mental pep talk before even walking to a store. It was hellish.

However, after a few months, I have been doing so much better. That anxiety is nearly all gone. I feel so much more confident in myself and my ability to talk simply from small chitchat and other experiences I’ve had.

There are two problems that plagues me though. I suck ass at making any small conversation. Well, not really going through that conversation, that’s not too bad (although it could use some work, I suppose) but mainly beginning it. I haven’t even attempted starting conversations yet despite me getting over my severe anxiety. I keep feeling like I’d be butting in to a conversation or something or just being weird.

The other issue is that I just don’t seem to be physically approachable. I’m not sure if it’s my cautious and short eye contact or the stance I take when sitting or standing or even the completely blank, empty expression on my face or what. I mean, it’s probably those, but I’d assume there’s also a few other reasons. The former point of not being very conversable doesn’t exactly help either.

Other than these two key issues, I feel amazing. It’s just these last bits that are bugging me. Has anyone got any good advice for me on how to tackle and handle these issues? Would being a bit more ‘smiley’ even in resting face position help? What about correcting posture? Does that have any bearing on how approachable and open I am? Any help is appreciated!

1 comment
  1. Try starting conversations in low-stakes situations with strangers. Just make a comment on the shared experience, like a grocery line, or whatever. See what the reaction is. And keep trying that in various situations-eventually you’ll get more comfortable & find a tone that works for you.

    When you’re in an actual social situation, the opener is just, “hi, my name is ___” plain & simple

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