25/m, I want to get out of the house this Halloween and considering I’m off today and tomorrow I thought it might be fun to put on a low-key costume and hit the bars in my college town. Thing is I don’t really have anyone to go with, and I’ve never actually gone to a bar by myself with the intention of being social, so I don’t want to make a fool of myself. I guess I’m looking for pointers! Anything that might help a person with little experience have a good time and not spend the entire night alone.


  1. You can always just belly up to the bar and start talking to people! That or find a short notice wingman. Worst case scenario it’s great people watching.

  2. Halloween is the perfect time to go out! Put on your costume and people will come up to you works the other way to go up to people with costumes and tell them simple stuff like
    “hey what’s your costume?” then go on from there. Costumes are the easiest conversation starters. Have fun G

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