She gets annoyed that I either struggle to maintain eye contact (or struggle to make eye contact more frequently) or I simply miss the cues she gives me. It happens a lot, so I lose my patience quickly when “something new is wrong with me that I need to work on”-that’s how I think of it in the moment at least. I know her intentions are pure.

Yesterday I missed a big one.

We went to a party with a few of my friends, and one girl who was there with us took too many pills, so we all left to go to a park to continue the night there.

We broke off into conversation, us realizing we have the same career. She was so fucked off the pills that her attention span was non-existent, so the entire time she talked she would be repeating herself. I didn’t care because I also like conversations where people just talk and I can just listen and be present.

She was getting too comfortable, but I knew she was just off the pills, plus her BF (I think) was also with us, who has been a good friend of mine for years, so I didn’t think much of it and gave her the benefit of the doubt. Plus, I didn’t want to embarrass her and ruin the vibe. She was apologizing a lot to the group because she was aware she was too far gone on the pills. She had her hand on my arm while she spoke, covered my head with her jacket when it started raining, and asked if she could continue the conversation we were having when I said I needed to go pee. I declined the offer, of course.

I didn’t notice that my GF was getting pissed at this the entire time. I thought everything was fine but got told at the end of the night that she was upset. I, of course, got annoyed because I thought the entire night went fine, so I got defensive and didn’t validate her feelings.

TLDR: I’m bad with social cues. It gets me into problems with my GF. For reference apparently she spend a short time when we first met trying to give me signs and hints she was into me and I missed them all until she told me directly one day. That was 2 years ago.

Any advice would be helpful for both me and her.

1 comment
  1. What was your girlfriend’s objection? Having your arm touched and a jacket over your head is not an obvious problem. What did your girlfriend say the issue was?

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