How to reply a bully who is physically stronger than me

  1. Standing up against a bully is one of the biggest tests of life. It’s a good thing and we should all embrace the opportunity. When you humble the bully and make them realize they’re actually weak, everybody wins.

    Society is fucked up to try to eliminate bullying. It’s why these young people are so goddamn weak minded and aren’t prepared for any of life’s challenges.

  2. attack at the weakest point, works all the time i mean there are 6 vital point, so he will end up in huge pain to end up vomiting blood. You can learn taekwondo to get those vital point and muay thai for excessive damage.
    Don’t go for the nut cracker one (WWE) it may lead him unconscious, happened with me once ,thought him being dead, i mean if his nuts gets broken then he will end up dead. So kind of win win situation, plus get those training by shaolin to strengthen your own nuts. I hope you get it.
    If you are a girl, then you are at huge benefit in close combat. Ultimately you can buy a book to learn further things, it was pretty much helpful during my bullying period. Like take one down, other will start fearing you.
    Ultimately you can always carry pen, it is helpful during combat like u can use it as a knife.

  3. Go to the gym and work out until you’re physically stronger than your wife. She’ll still bully you, but at least you’ll be physically stronger.

  4. You have to stand up to them.

    If you don’t learn this you will be bullied all your life. And that shit takes a mental and emotional toll on you if it keeps going.

    Nursing a black eye or sore ribs for a few weeks but keeping your pride intact because (a) you got one or two good shots in and (b) most bullies back off if they got bit back and they go bully someone else is far greater outcome for the long term.

  5. Is this a physical bully or some other kind?
    Either way, the answer is Do Not Submit. A bully wants submission. Ideally he wants to get it by fear and shame. He doesnt want a confrontation that might actually cost him.

  6. everyones bigger than me. I got into Martial arts . Make big difference. people know you can take care of your self they don t fuck with you…Beofore that I was all ways fighter. Even if got ass kicked people left me alone.One thing I learned when kid. The key was soon as fight coming be first to throw punch!! surprises them than don t stop!! they say you sucker punch me what ever I didn t care..They learn .. My first year in A new HS was best after I hit senior Big fat kid I was warned A bout He d go threw new kids lunch and bully up. First time came to me I just punched himin nose great shot He cried!!!! A senior me in 10th grade. After that we had no problems!! Other seniors made fun of him! I made lots of friends! was my best day in school even Tho got detention and made parents felt go good!!!

  7. You don’t. You take your weak ass to a dojo in your area and learn some martial arts. Once you’re skilled that bully wil think twice to bully you. As bullies always pick on the weak not the strong.

  8. Find out where he lives and shit in his mailbox. Repet several times.

    If it is server case burn his house down. I never heard of a homeless bully.

  9. It’s hard because if you’re afraid, he will sense that like a street dog senses fear. Same mechanic to defend against it, face the dog, pretend to throw a rock and hit him with it. If it doesn’t work, you need to start chasing after it, fast. If they are vicious(rare occurrence) and they start charging, need to use them as a soccer ball. Since the bully has a brain and understands words, you could tell him to stop or report his ass. Let school deal with it. Remember that fear I was mentioning earlier? You have to be ready to retaliate even if you get a black eye, when/if he decided to put hands on you. Preferably with witnesses. Might be better to record him and show to the people in charge, escalate to police, though, so they can hit his parents where it hurts the most: in the pockets $$$. You can be made to seem as the aggressor if everyone is afraid of him and don’t want to speak up. Point is, you have to stand up in some way and not tolerate that shit.

    As others mentioned, humor is another great way to show you are not afraid and make the situation awkward for him, but if you’re not witty enough it can be used as ammo against you.

  10. Strike the balls, the shin, then run. Or, find out all his info. EVERY human has a weakness or a secret. Maybe he’s cheating on a gf. Doing something illegal. Or is a closet homosexual (I’m progressive but if you tug on the tail of a shark, you can’t whine when it bites ). Or…he has a fear.

    I found out my HS bully had arachnophobia. Waited for a rainy day and captured those massive FL banana spiders. Challenged him to a private gym fight. Then held out the spider in a jar and chased him around and out the locker room going “c’mon, say hi to Mrs. Spider! C’mon, c’mon, say hi. C’mon you son of a bitch! Say hi to Mrs. Spider. MUHAHAHAHA!”

  11. Bullies are generally cowards. You don’t have to be stronger, you just have to do damage and they slink away to look for a weaker target. Don’t hit him in the nuts but aim for the nose. You reel back, eyes water, can’t breathe properly, start bleeding all over the place. One well placed shot gets rid of most bullies.

  12. The real answer is take video, record audio, take notes of what eh does in great detail.

    Do a 2 week to 1 month folder and get the name of each people involve including people getting bullied.

    Make copy through email of that folder to yourself in case you lose it.

    Then, once you have an actual folder, go find the direction. Tell them that this is happening, that they are not doing anything about it because they seem to be unaware.

    Tell them that you expect them to make it stop and give them 2 weeks before sending the folder to the media.

    This mean that the school will either be propped into a scandal or deal with the problematic bully. 99% of the time, they will deal with the bully.

    Do not reply to the bully, just remember, record everything, audio included.

  13. Punch him in the face. You might get beat up, but the bully will realize you’re not worth the trouble. They only pick on people too weak to fight back.

  14. You don’t; bullies crave attention by looking to appear more important than they are.

    Just don’t give them any attention and go about your day.

  15. If you are bullied then it was over even before it began.

    If you do anything everything you do will be perceived in the worst possible way. If you try to fight back people will think you are a try hard or will become a school shooter, if you do nothing everyone will join the bully and laugh a you and use you as a punching bag.

    There is no winning if you get bullied. It’s a lose lose situation.

  16. Find some allies. Friends, brothers, a crazy uncle. Then go find that bully, jump him and kick the shit out of him. That’s how it was done in my school.

  17. Fight him. Win or lose, fight him again the next day if he fucks with you. And the next. And the next.

    Be brutal about it. Bite, scratch, go for his eyes, go for his groin, grab his fingers and try to break them, pull his ears, etc. Whatever you have to do to cause as much physical pain as possible. Sooner or later he’ll decide fucking with you isn’t worth the trouble because even if he “wins” the fight every time, you make it hurt and you’ll do it again if he tries something.

  18. Keep a cue ball in your pocket. Smash that against his temple and it won’t matter if he’s physically stronger than you.

  19. You ever see those videos of a bear getting scared off by a cat? Doesn’t matter how big you are, sane people know not to fuck with crazy.

  20. I was a smaller kid around the neighborhood. I had a girlfriend that lived a block over from me. We were 10 or so. Another kid 13 or 14 liked to show off in front of my girlfriend and slap me in the face or try to take my bike etc…I would never cower to him but he was older, taller stronger etc…So one day I was at my brother in law’s father’s house on the other side of the neighborhood. I was telling his younger brother and his friends all around 15, about this guy. They asked me to take them to him and point him out. We all road over to my girlfriends house and they waited around the corner. My girlfriend and I were standing there talking, it was clock work. Here he came. Slapped me around a few times and grabbed my bike and tried to shake me off. That was all they needed. About 12 kids on bikes came flying around the corner on him like a swarm of bees. They beat him within an inch of his life. We all split up and left. A few hours later the police came to my house. Somebody had beaten this kid so bad that he was in the hospital and had a broken arm. I said, maybe he fucked with the wrong guy? I didn’t talk and they left. I seen the kid a few weeks later. He would not leave his yard. He never spoke to me again. There is strength in numbers. If he is bullying you, he is probably bullying others also. Find those people and all of you beat his ass good!

  21. Find a trusted individual somewhere that you can confide in the situation, so it’s documented if the guy attacks you at some point. Be aware that if you tell a teacher or counselor they may be required to report it. (There should be a way to confidentially file something like this, but that’s a different discussion.)

    Look into self-defense classes, especially how to get out of holds and use a person’s weight against them.

    It’s a pain, but I would also write down everything. Write down the dates and times you’ve been threatened or bullied by a group.

  22. It depends on how they are bullying and what relative strengths you both possess. Find a weakness, exploit it, and when you do so mitigate their ability to respond.

  23. Serious question, because context is important: how old are you?

    My advice to a high schooler is going to be *very* different from my advice to a man in his 30s in the workplace.

  24. Get very good at running. Sneak attack and then run away. Keep doing this multiple times until your bully’s HP reaches zero. Then you can take all of the loot.

  25. normally, id say ignore him, because he wants a reaction.

    But if that doesnt work…jack rabbit him right in the soft spot below the sternum.

    For those who may not know, a ‘Jack Rabbit’ is a mid range punch made from the waist line, in a slight upward motion.

    Your fist should start in line with your gut, and when the punch ends, your elbow should be about where your fist started.

    The impact forces the diaphragm upwards, knocking the wind out of said bully, and giving him a good 10-30 seconds where he cannot breathe.

    Most people will piss their pants after/during this.

  26. This is something my coworkers and I are trained each year to handle in school. The mismatch that comes from physical difference can be balanced by maintaining a strong friend group and network of peers who can help remove the bully’s power. Usually they act alone, so if you can get a group of friends who can stand up to the bully with you, their power melts away pretty fast.

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