mabey this is a silly question but where can you actually meet potential partners? there are a lot of posts on here asking questions about how to ask a girl out etc. but never where to actually meet them.

there are a lot of social rules that make it difficult. like you can’t approach girls in public because it comes of as creepy, you can’t at work because it that can be akward and the saying “don’t shit where you eat” has a point. you can’t aks girls out at the gym and unless you want drunk hookups bars aren’t really an option ( at least where i live) so that leaves the question, where can you actually meet girls?

i am not asking this because i want to prove a point or want to act smart or something, i am genuinely confused.

(ps i apologize for any spelling mistakes as englisch is not my first language)

  1. Wow I have been asking myself the same. I recently quit drinking, and realised how much impact me going out had on my dating life.
    Outside of events I really feel like a creep when trying to talk to girls who just go about their day.

  2. Three things.

    1. Try for repeated interactions. At the gym you will likely see the same girls over and over. When you pass by, simply smile and say “hi” and continue your workout. Don’t ask her on a date. Don’t force a conversation. You be the one to leave and keep walking. She has no counter. She will say hi (or be rude and say nothing, which will be awkward for her). The next time you see her same thing. After a while introduce yourself get her name and engage in small talk. Look for social cues, if she doesn’t want to talk, politely excuse yourself and walk away. Don’t force the conversation.

    After a while you will be someone she knows. Its not creepy. Then you can make a move.

    The same applies to bus routes, bars, classes, and other places of repeated interaction.

    2. Build social networks. Make friends with both guys and girls. And their friends can be your friends as well. Guys can be wingmen and girls can introduce you to their female friends.

    3. Try online dating. I run an online marketing business. Online dating is like digital marketing. Keep experimenting until you master it.

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