What motivates you to lift weights?

  1. lose weight, getting stronger and fitter, seeing results, mental health. liking my boy composition more

  2. The scene in American Psycho where Hes flexing in the mirror while blowing the chicks back out

  3. Wanting to stay looking good and being strong. Those are strong motivators, they’ve been keeping me hitting the gym six days a week for a long time. It’s also a huge factor in my mental well-being

  4. No fucking way I’m going to be one of these dudes in his 50’s that looks like he’s in his 70’s. I like being able to get down in a full squat on a whim, lift things, and generally be able to do whatever I want as I’m getting older.

  5. Started out cause of a heartbreak…

    Kept going cause this shit is fun af. Lifting weights to me is like playing video games or sports to others

  6. I’m lifting weights so that someday when I’m taking the weights off the bar someone will ask my how I’m able to squat so much weight, and I will tell them it’s because I have very strong legs.

    Then I will quit.

  7. At first to get a nice physique for its own sake. I’ve always loved how a muscular/lean male physique looks and I feel right in one vs another kind of physique. Nowadays that I’ve hit near my peak, it’s more about the fear of losing what I’ve built lol. I wish I had it in me to build some more but my genetics are pretty much tapped (and then some considering my 1.5 years now of steroid use) 😔.

  8. Insecurities on how I look and to keep my sanity. 9/10 times I feel great after a workout. I’ve only ever left the gym feeling down a few times

  9. More energy, mental clarity, easier sleep at the end of the day, a nice body is the icing on the cake.

  10. Seeing results. Specially watching my lifts go up every week or month (depending how long I’ve been doing it)

  11. Getting girls. But the motivation is quickly slipping away. Gonna try steroids and see if it helps because so far lifting has secured me exactly 0 girls.

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