We both are from another country ( I haven’t talked to her I just know) living in another country. I don’t know anything about her I just like her.
So she asked me how to do that move in the gym and I since there was no other choices which I told her, because a cable lateral raise can’t go lighter than the minimum weight setup on the machine, so I offered to help her.
I just stood beside her and pushed her hand up a little bit so she can do it. After one hand was done she forgot the other hand and I reminded her, which makes me think she just wanted to talk to me idk.
Anyway after that one set she said thank you and left to another machine.
Please advise me how to approach her!

TLDR; crush came and talked to me, but it ended too soon. Need advice to keep the interactions going

  1. Next time you see her, “hey I don’t know how I didn’t think of this before, but you could use the 10lbs dumbbell for 12 reps and switch to these elastic bands to failure.” If you have an elastic band, offer it to her and say just bring it back when you done”

    If this works, she will find you when she’s finished. You can then ask “how did it feel? Did you like this variation?” This should honestly put you on a pretty straight path to a decent conversation that could lead to more.

  2. Next time you see her, ask her how those lateral raises are going. If she needs another hand with her sets or advice that you’d be willing to help out with in the gym or maybe afterwards over a cuppa coffee. Heck, why not ask her to spot for you or just watch if your form is correct! Then you can get into the small talk!

    Just throw yourself out there! She made the first step, go for it. 🙂

  3. Ask her to spot you. Or just start saying hi more & more often. Then move to ‘how are you?’

  4. in my experience, women don’t want to be hit on in the gym. try to be friendly and maybe forge a genuine friendship. if she has feelings for you, i think that will come through in your interactions and then you can propose a date without seeming like a random gym dude who wants to hook up.

  5. Her “Today I asked my gym crush to help me lift air. He totally fell for it, and helped spot me but he seemed clueless and didn’t ask for my number”

  6. >Please advise me how to approach her!

    Directly. Look, you aren’t dating her now, right? What’s the worst that can happen? You will still not be dating her. You literally have nothing to lose.

    She asked you out of everyone else in the gym. Maybe random, but probably not. Just try to start up a convo with her and if she seems interested invite her for a smoothie after your workouts.

  7. She didn’t forget the other hand. She wanted you to make a move and talk to her. You didn’t reciprocate in a way she recognized so she probably felt awkward. In her mind it was painfully obvious that she was hitting on you and when you didn’t reciprocate in a way she could recognize she tried to get out of the situation because she felt uncomfortable. The good news is that hope isn’t lost. Ask her if she would like to workout with you sometime and ask her what things she enjoys doing. If y’all have something y’all like in common then invite her to go do it with you. If not pick something that sounds interesting and ask her more about it. When you’re done working out you can say something like “(interesting topic) sounds fun. I would like to know more about it. Would you like to do (interesting topic) next Thursday?”
    Good luck my man.

    Edit because I left a few words out

  8. That’s the fun of figuring out women – they think they’re sledgehammering you over the head with “obvious hints” but you’re also conditioned by society to just assume they’re being nice and you don’t want to bother them, good luck anyway, no advice, just happy I’m married lol

  9. I think someone else suggested it but next time you see her just ask her how her lateral raises are going or something like that.

    Then you can transition into a conversation. You already got your relevant ice breaker that’s all you need king 👑

    Chat her up and get them digits if the convo goes well.

  10. When you see her at the gym ask if she wants to work out together. Do same stuff and shoot the shit. See if you’re compatible. Take it from there, ask her out or for number if there’s a vibe.

  11. Start a conversation by suggesting she use dumbbells or small plates to do the raises. You can even offer to show her/help her to keep the interaction going!

  12. Look up some good youtube videos related to the exercises she wants to do. Then ask her at the gym how its going with the exercises. Tell her you decided to look up some videos and they might be helpful to her. This way you can softly suggest she give you her text number so you can forward them.

    Once you send them, let her thank you by text and start a nice back and forth that is not too centered on wanting to hook up or anything that disrespects her or seems interested only in her body. (Not that you would do that — just saying those are red flags for many women, so be a thoughful gentleman.)

    Good ways to transition out of the gym is to ask if she runs or bikes or hikes in nature or something that is related to working out. You can do it by text if she starts texting in response to you texting her the videos. Once she agrees to something and you know each other a little, you can progress to dating.

  13. I can feel the pleading and desperation in this one. I’d suggest, that you suggest becoming workout buddies. That’s a great first step.

  14. I am a girl and I hate going to the gym because I find it difficult to interact.

    Best I can think would be nodding at her when you see her as acknowledgment and see how she reacts like a friendly hello!

    If she is comfortable she will smile/reply and then over time you guys can get talking.

  15. Shoot your shot my boy. Worst thing that can happen is for her to say no. Or just continue to talk to her for awhile before you shoot said shot. Take the plunge brother.

  16. As a woman who goes to the gym, if I need help with a spot I’m asking a gym employee or no one at all. No woman’s going up to some random man asking for help, she made the 1st move, just ask her If she wants to grab a smoothie or a bite to eat next time after the gym

  17. Just say hi to her next time and ask her out. It’s that simple, she’s already prompted you to do it.

    “Hey, I should have asked this the other day, but do you want to grab a coffee after?”

  18. Don’t. Just say hi and be friendly for a while. See what develops. If nothing, she’s a friend. Never force the issue.

  19. just get the guts and talk to her bro, when it comes down to it it’s nothing ventured nothing gained. you got this king.

  20. Next time you see her approach her and ask how the lifts are going and if there are any other machines she enjoys using. Then say “would you maybe be interested in a cup of coffee after your workout? I know a good place close to here if you are interested?”. Just take the plunge my man

  21. She opened the door OP. I seriously doubt she actually needed help with the machine, she probably wanted to break the ice and get the measure of you to make sure you aren’t a creep or an asshole. That’s one of the best ways to get a general idea of someone without wasting alot of time or putting herself in any risk. Come up to you while you’re busy and ask for help.

    You weren’t rude or dismissive and didn’t condescend nor did you try anything sketchy(I hope) so now she knows what type of guy you are in general and has opened the door to make herself more approachable. Next time you see her smile and ask how she’s doing. She will either just give you a fake smile and 1 word answer you or give you a real smile and answer and probably followup with asking how you’re doing.

    Just be polite and friendly to her and ask how her days have been and if she needs any help with anything. She will likely accept your help if I’m reading this right and when work out is done ask her if she would like to get coffee/lunch/married the next 50 years and go from there. Good luck OP

  22. So a girl you have a crush on walks up to you and proposes an activity which involves holding her arms and inevetiably pressing your body’s thogether.
    And you felt like she wanted to talk to you.

    She is into you dude. Now let this confidence boost guide you and go talk to her.

    >from another country

    Maybe shes from Canada?

  23. That’s very nice story, just follow top advices and I’m sure everything will work out. Good luck!

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