We have all heard the old trope “men take on all of the risk while women reap all of the reward.” Statistically we know married men live longer and are in better health, but in what other ways did marriage benefit you personally?

  1. I became injured and my wife makes alot of money and can support our family. If I was single, I would be fucked.

  2. That’s an idiotic trope. But at any rate, as a millennial in this shitty job and housing market, I don’t know how I could afford any sort of comfortable lifestyle without two incomes. I’d still be living with 2-3 roommates, as a young professional with a physics degree. This way, I get to live with someone I love and no one else. Together, we can afford nicer things and more fun excursions than either of us ever could alone.

  3. My husband died very unexpectedly, and since as healthy, fit 30somethings we were too dumb to think we needed wills made, dealing with his estate and the house we jointly owned would have been an absolute clusterfuck considering he was estranged from his parents. I wouldn’t have even been able to make medical decisions or plan his funeral.

  4. The problem with this remark
    “married men live longer and are in better health”

    It doesn’t take into account the men destroyed in the divorce or who have self deleted because of failed marriages and the emotional, mental and financial damage they incur.

    If you look at the full statistics, those numbers change drastically.

  5. As the wife I will tell you

    He gets to wake up next to me every day, snoring and drooling on his pillow.

    I allow him approximately 1/5th of the bed and i will keep rolling on top of him so i can’t guarantee any comfort.

    I get him to try new things. Without me he would never know the delights of exotic foods. He’s fine with pizza.

    I totally taught him how to build his pc and pirate tons of triple A games so it paid itself off immediately.

    Ahem companionship

    Sex! Regular and great sex because we know each bodies so well!

    Loyalty and having someone ALWAYS looking out for you.

  6. As a Millennial/Gen z kid (depends on who you ask), I can say the single best decision I made in my life up to this point was to get married. We get to do everything together. We get to take care of each other. She cannot work due to physical disability, but our lives are comfortable and we go through all of our good times and bad times together. Neither of us drew the short stick because we both do our best to help the other person and support each other. Some would say she leeches off me, but what she gives back is far more valuable than money or work or anything else.

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