What is up with this? The internet has really done a number on some people. If i didn’t want to respond to someone’s message or see their snapchats, i would unfriend them not ignore them. Why are people like this? I’ve sent people messages on snapchat only for them to take several days to open a message, and I won’t even know because they won’t respond.

Should I just start deleting people who I have tried to reach out to? I had done this in the past. I was very much the type of person to not take any bs but constantly cutting people off is apparently not healthy. What is one to do then?

I can’t keep dealing with shitty people.

  1. This reads as extremely entitled. They are not obligated to respond to you. If you send me a message, it is my choice to read and/or respond to it, not yours. If that constitutes shitty behavior to you, I do not envy your worldview.

  2. I had this problem and I gave up trying to talk to people. Make real life friends instead. And then give up on that too.

  3. I don’t open them because then I feel obligated to respond.

    Why don’t I respond? Because every single person on my phone is not a priority and if I stopped what I was doing to answer everyone who hit me up immediately I literally would not be able to live my life.

  4. Here’s my take as someone who rarely replies/takes forever, I’m depressed and don’t really have the social energy to respond right away, then time goes by and I feel pressured to reply, but I also feel like an asshole for replying so late, so I just..don’t. It’s nothing against the people texting.

  5. You have to remember that all this social media technology is relatively new to the evolution of humans and is evolving rapidly. Some people don’t know how to act over online communications, and there is no set rule book unfortunately. It can be easier to not open a message than to open and not respond. Personally speaking, I miss the days when mobile phones did not exist and you had a real conversation with someone when you saw them face to face and that was it. It felt healthier. My advice to you would be to focus on making some quality connections in person, or at least on phone calls or FaceTimes with people you are close to or trust. People are more likely to respond and it’s also a more real conversation. Try to depend less on text, Snapchat etc. it will do your head the world of good.

  6. if i open it the notification goes away and then if i don’t respond right then and there i’ll forget. so I just leave the notification there until i’m ready to respond

  7. I don’t responde to any one but my respect and likeness for them still stays, stop taking stuff personally If a Snapchat determines response determines A friendship for you Wake up

  8. People are different. I personally don’t answer for days sometimes. It has nothing to do with how much I like a person. I often just don’t have the time or don’t feel like answering, which is totally fine. Maybe you should try calling people, if you want a quick response 🙂

  9. Relationships are at different levels. You still usually want the contact info of someone who isn’t a close friend. But if you prefer, you could just have their contact info in one medium, and use another for closer friends and people who matter more.

    I can’t delete FB because Messenger is how a lot of people can contact me. But personally I prefer to text or even email, so if someone’s important to me I’ll usually try to set up communications over there. And a few people prefer some privacy app. But I don’t check Messenger often, only when I open FB, and I deleted the app for it.

    Sometimes being conscious about what friend category someone is/should be in could lower your expectations to something that fits their social capabilities better.

  10. One might not have the time to respond and keep the message unpoened so that the notification would remind you about the message. Thus you will remember about the message when you have time to respond, because stuff happens and you might forget to respond as there is no reminder because you have opebed the message.

    Learn patience. People waited for days-month for an answer through snail mail. And if you need a fast response, just call the person.

    Written communication is such a thing that immediate answer is not an expected thing.

    And for your information, people are not glued to their phones. They might check an app/e-mail days later. So yeah, just call them. I doubt that you write a mechanic/tow service when your car dies in the midfle of the road. Though those services might have people whose sole job is to observe the written communication channel. But an individual person has no one else to constantly observe the written communication channel.

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