What’s the worst thing you’ve said to a girl, did you regret it later, why or why not?

  1. Was drunk and getting busy with a Tinder date…told her that her boobs survived breast feeding much better than my ex-wife’s did. Oh god, that was like 6 years ago and I still cringe every time I think about it.

  2. Told a girl once, “You’re so much prettier when you don’t speak” … I spoke the truth.

  3. nobody likes you because you’re a judgmental person who always thinks they are right. You treat anyone who thinks slightly differently than you like trash. You refuse to take any kind of criticism without freaking out. You try to control the people around you with your moods. It has nothing to do with how pretty or skinny you are. Or how big your boobs are. Most people aren’t that shallow . Most of us just want the freedom to express our own thoughts without being browbeaten for having those thoughts.

  4. Worst thing I said was that I didn’t say anything at all.
    Sometimes the silence is worse than any words you can say.

  5. I used to be into one of my sister’s friends when we were younger, now she’s a single mom of three with three baby daddys. One is in prison, one is a bum who doesn’t work and lives with his mom, and one is m.i.a bc she doesn’t know who he is. I was at my sister’s house one day talking with my nephew, my sister and her friends were there and they started discussing men. The one friend I had a thing for when we were younger stated that she could NEVER date someone like me bc I’m still into childish things (I was heavily into video games at the time) I told her she can be the last female on earth and I wouldn’t touch her for a 10 ft d*ck and if she’s saying she wouldn’t date me thats a huge compliment bc her ability to choose a man that’s worth a damn is severely broken. Dropped the 🎤 and walked out, that was sometime ago and she doesn’t speak to me when we run into each other now, I couldn’t care less.

  6. Me and a friend were sitting in front of some girl in highschool. She was cool. A bit weird but very likeable and easy to be around.

    She was talking with the girl next to her about how she needed to lose weight. Which was ridiculous as she wasn’t overweight at all. So we figured that she was joking. And because she felt like “one of the guys” we did what we’d do to a guy friend in that situation and started agreeing. Saying how she definitely does, how the chair cam barely hold her, etc.

    We thought it was a usual case of giving each other shit and banter. Until her friend confronted is later and told us that it hurt the girl and that she cried afterwards.

    We felt absolutely horrible and also really confused. We apologised a lot but I’m not sure if the damage was done. Definitely a moment of unintentional assholery. Since then I’ve been trying to avoid that type of banter, also between guys. If I misread that situation and that persons mental space that badly, I didn’t want to risk that again.

  7. I somehow say the most stupid shit to hot blondes.

    I had this seriously hot blond on my lap in a nightclub. She tells me to carry her home and I reply «You are to heavy». She got very upset and left. She probably weighed like 55 kg. I still regret it.

    I was at nachspiel and a set of sisters – one blond and one brunette – and me were the last ones awake. Both of them were a few years older than me and I wasn’t particulary experienced with women at that time. The blond asked me if I would like to have a threesome with her and her sister, and for some f’ing reason I said «No» and the moment was gone. I regret that very very much even to this day.

    I got approached by three blonds while having a smoke in the backyard of this local bar. All of them were studying to become nurses. One of them startet to flirt and touching while the other two just watched. Then she proceeded to ask for a puff off my cigarette as the nicotine would get her a rush, and I said «No, you are a nurse and should know better». Somehow this was insulting and they left. I regret saying that.

    I got approached by a young women – half my age – on the bus. She was with several friends, but sat next to me and chatted me up, kissing me on the cheek, touching my thigh, etc. She started to ask me what I was studying etc. and I told her that I worked as an architect (facts). This made her curious about my age and I told her, but she didn’t belive me and insisted on seeing my drivers licence. I’m born in ‘74. She looked at the licence and said «My parents are born in ‘75». I really regret telling the truth.

    Hot blonds make me autistic.

  8. “If you threaten me with that dumb shit again, im calling the ambulance on your ass”. She was terrified of ambulances. No regrets. She threatened to unalive herself if i broke up with her (bpd and emotionally abusive). After that i broke up with her. I likely did huge emotional damage with that one (unintentionally), but i didnt want her to die even if she was a piece of shit

  9. Luckily never. I know when to keep my mouth shut. I did say some mean things to my cousin though, but we were kids then….

  10. I was seeing and older woman when I was 19. We we’re kind of bf/gf but she wouldn’t commit. On 3 different occasions she said no more sex and let’s just be friends. Each time a week later she would initiate sex. The last time she did it I had enough so I went to her apartment and collected my belongings. On the way out I called her a bitch and told her to never call me again. I regret the name calling as it was immature and inappropriate. I don’t regret cutting contact.

  11. I love you.said too soon total regret. I don’t love you anymore. NEVER say this to a woman. Total regret. Cost me a lot of money.

  12. There’s this girl I usedto see off and on when I was jome from college. She had beautiful long red curly hair and it smelled so good! The last time I saw her she was actually with another boy when we passed each other in our cars. She whipped around and motioned for me to pull over. When I got out I was stunned to see that she had dyed her hair black and cut it so short that it was plastered flat against her head. We chatted and caught up for a few minutes, but I was still so shocked at what she had done that when she suggested we get back together for the summer I blurted out, “Not with that hair!” She was always a sweet girl and we only ever had good times together. I feel very guilty for saying something so unnecessarily cruel to her.

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