What’s your most “old man yells at cloud” opinion?

  1. very few people accelerate to freeway speed on the entrance ramp. They do like 50 or 55mph while traffic is screaming by at 65 or 70 and only when they signal with their left signal to merge….maybe…….maybe they’ll actually start thinking about accelerating. There’s a reason the right lane is the worst to stay in. My theory is: regardless of road conditions, people are in their own world so they keep the accelorsger pedal depressed in the same position. No further- no less. So uphill entrance ramp 40mph…..trying to merge.

  2. There should be no interleague game between the AL and the NL during the regular season, that should only happen during the World Series. I liked the fact that the AL had a DH and the NL didn’t.

  3. NFTs are both stupid and scammy. Crypto once had a decent use case but it got solved before crypto was adopted so now it is just gambling.

  4. Sharkbite plumbing couplers are stupid. Just solder copper joints. If you put a sharkbite on it, someone is gonna have to come back and put a soldered joint on it either way.

  5. Why is everyone speeding from stop sign to stop sign in my neighborhood? Y’all are risking the lives of residents and kids to be in a huge hurry to get nowhere important. Just drive at or below the speed limit. Better yet, take the through roads like 2 blocks over where the speed limit is much higher and there aren’t stop signs.

  6. As someone who has been through a long and expensive immigration process, I have no sympathy for illegal immigrants when they get caught.

  7. people do not know how to use words correctly, in proper context, or too damn much to the point they lose all meaning.

  8. Video gaming was actively better before we started going heavily into online patches, DLC, and other forms of monetization and using games as services or constant expansions. Sure, there were definitely broken and buggy games back in the day, but developers usually had to care a bit more about making sure things functioned before release. Plus you just put a game into your system and it just worked and you’d play. No tons of waiting on updates, no bombardment for “Go to the shop to get stupid costume you don’t want!” etc. Back in the day I could just pop a game into my SNES and I’d be playing the game. No fuss involved.

  9. Flesh tunnels/stretched earlobes are disgusting. Got nothing against tattoos and piercings in general, flesh tunnels are the sole exception.

  10. Rice is better slightly over cooked than under cooked but restaurants usually serve it a tad undercooked simply because it’s easier for them. Same thing goes for pasta

  11. I don’t want to use my cellphone to take pictures. I want an actual dedicated camera.

  12. I find it hard to make out the dialogue in a lot of TV shows these days, as if we’ve moved so far away from stage acting that no one thinks to anunciate anymore. Plus the action sequences and music are always so overwhelmingly loud that I have to turn it down, making it even harder to hear the quieter parts.

    I read somewhere that it’s because the director, producer, and everyone involved in post-production know the script so well they can mentally fill in the blanks when hearing it, so they don’t notice.

    But yeah, why does everybody in pictures mumble?!?

  13. Shoving an iPad in front of your kid’s face whenever you don’t want to deal with them is awful parenting. Kids shouldn’t have smartphones/social media until at least high school, and even that is pushing it.

  14. there are a lot to be honest, but the one that I remembered quickly, is how the newer generations speak in “twitch language” at loud and in person.

  15. I there’s a miscommunication where someone got their feelings hurt or was offended, onus should be like 80% on the listener not the speaker. Communication is primarily about being good at listening, trying to understand the other person. If you hear something they didn’t say, it’s usually not their fault it’s yours (there are exceptions).

  16. People who have no concept of their surroundings while in public. There are other people walking behind you, around you, trying to get by, etc. The whole damn sidewalk ain’t for you and your kids to lazily meander to and fro.

    Jesus, getting heated just thinking about it lol.

  17. Expansion plugs and face/neck/hand tattoos are deeply stupid. It’s fashionable now, in some places, but you’re making yourself harder to hire. Like it or not, a bunch of people who spend money are old and conservative. If I can’t let a client meet you because your expressive body art might spoil the business relationship, I’m not going to hire you.

  18. 2 similar issues from a lack of public awareness: Wear headphones in public if you want to listen to music or talk. Never put anyone on speaker phone in public or decide to entertain the entire train with your crappy music tastes on your phone’s distorted speaker. We’re just trying to get through life and our commute, not discover a new band. I’ve got Spotify for that, DJ Choo Choo Train. Also, don’t glare at me like I’m the jerk for listening to your conversation. I’m not the one cheating on her boyfriend and talking about it on the 7:55 blue line train to the loop.


  20. People who park in disabled bays without a permit or badge need a fucking slap. The type of people that are okay with a disabled person struggling to get in and out of their car because they have to park in a normal bay all because they are some lazy dipshit who can’t be arsed to walk a few extra feet deserve to have their fucking car ticketed there and then.

  21. You have every right to present yourself as you choose, but you don’t get to decide how anyone else responds to you.

    If you’re putting a lot of effort into getting a reaction by shocking the normies, I don’t want to hear you bitch when you get negative reactions.

    Edit: on a related note, if you’re wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt, you’re telling the world that you’re an idiot, an asshole, or both.

  22. Physical copies of music,games,books, shows are ideal.

    When we got hit with a winter storm we were able to play some of my old dvds with an old MacBook.

    Looking back not sure why we couldn’t have just powered up our router, but I stand by my point

  23. Old man yells at cloud: g* damn kubernetes cluster is down again & MSFT forced an update breaking our cloud

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