I found this person a few years ago on an internet forum and we have a common interest. Never really talked to him back then, but I followed his content and been admiring him since. Started following him on his more personal Instagram a while ago, and got some courage to jump in his dm:s. Told him about how I admire him and his work, how he has inspired me etc and we had a nice little chat. He was thankful and surprised. Yeah apparently he’s trending in his area of interest – he’s no celebrity though – but he seems genuine and just like any other guy you know. That’s what I like about him.

He posts almost daily on his Instagram, more personal stuff than on the forum where he focusses on his interest. I enjoy watching his IG content and I tend to like all pictures, sometimes comment too and answer to his stories there. Not every day but twice or thrice a week. In the beginning he always answered, and I felt like we had some kind of good bond there. Joking around and giving each other advice like bros, although I always did the initiative to start a convo. In his stories he asked for advice regarding which product he would buy, I sent him my honest opinion and he replied that he was thankful and followed my advice. He posted a story about him been up all night working on a project, I jokingly answered wishing he’d get sponsorship for some energy drinks, and he told me he’d love to and would send me some too if he got any. That kind of small stuff ya know.

As time have gotten by he’s just started liking my comments and dm:s instead of writing back and I feel like a burden now. It feels odd suddenly stopping to interact with him, yk at this point I’m used to it… but I don’t know him so well I could ask what’s wrong and don’t think it’s socially acceptable to ask if he doesn’t like me. We’re both males and approaching our 30s, nor dating or having families if that matters. It could be something going on in his life, but he posts and carries on normally so I think it’s just me… does he think I’m an irritating weirdo who’s spamming him and he’s just gotten enough or? I’m rather new to IG and also a bit crappy sometimes socially, so I’ve started having doubts about what I’ve done and am doing. For me it felt like we had a bond. Am I a burden if I just keep going like this or not?

TLDR: M27 interacting with a guy I know over internet. I’m a fan of his. Used to interact quite regularly over Instagram with me starting convos. Now he’s started getting colder towards me, and I feel like I’ve annoyed and annoy him. Am I a burden?

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