Hi all, this is my first post on reddit so please be nice lol! This is a bit of a minor thing compared to alot of the other stuff I’ve seen in this community, but I don’t really feel comfortable venting anywhere else, so here goes! I’ve recently been studing quite hard for my HSC exams (end of high school exams in Australia), and to celebrate I thought I might host a small gathering of my 3 close friends pretty soon after they end for me. I then managed to find out that all 3 of said close friends were invited to a bigger end of HSC celebration hosted by someone within our extended friend group. I want to make it clear that I am not particularly good friends with this person, and under normal circumstances I would not be upset at all, however finding out that my 3 close friends (we are a pretty close group – spent the last 3 months studying together every day) as well as pretty much all of my other friends (people I was closer with in previous years but still talk to very often, and still get along with very well) were invited stung quite a lot. Perhaps this has all been exacerbated by the stress of exams, but for the last day or two I have found it really hard to focus on much else. This may also just be some slight insecurity, but I’ve spent the last couple hours feeling pretty humiliated, isolated, confused, and to an extent, quite angry as well. In my mind, it isn’t particulary courteous to not invite one specific person to a party to which the majority of their cohort and mutual friends are attending, and while I do understand that to this person I may not be a good/close friend, I think that in their shoes I still would have sent the invite just for politeness’ sake. Anyway, I wanted to get some kind of external opinion on my little mental freakout – some advice perhaps on the way I should proceed. I was specifically wondering if confronting (non-agro of course) this person over DM’s is a good or bad move. More than anything however I just want to rationalise this whole thing so I can get on with my physics exam lol. Thank you in advance for any and all responses.

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