Personally I think that our modern world doesn’t appreciate good men.

  1. I dislike that anything goes in our modern world. There are no standards or morals anymore.

  2. The lack of civility and respect.

    I think as a society (Americans) have gotten more rude, raw, and more indignant than previous generations. I get passion; fight for something you believe in, but let’s try and be civilized at how we deal with each other.

    Let’s have a little more respect for each other.

  3. The internet. I remember when friends actually talked to each other. When your SO didn’t have their phone in their hand almost 24/7, you use to actually hold hands!

  4. Climate catastrophe has to be top. We have known about it for so long and yet we still argue against doing something about it because we don’t want our commute to be a bit longer.

    Linked to that Neoliberal Excess. Literally working people to death until they’re within 10 years of death for not enough money to maintain a home.

    Women are the only demographic that are underrepresented in every walk of life. Boards of companies. Decision makers. Yet they just get on with it and don’t bleat about it or threaten suicide because they don’t get their way.

    Rampant ageism. I feel it now I’m just starting my second half century. Luckily I made good decisions when I was younger.

  5. I wish there was an alternative to the modern job market.

    I’d rather hunt and fish and build a hut, not sit in an office for 8 hours

  6. It’s SO FAKE! Everything. It’s just bullshit everywhere. Fake lives on social media. Fake pics on Instagram. Fake news and propaganda on TV. Fake politicians with hidden agendas. It’s just so exhausting.

  7. The mass consumption, it’s like all most people do in their free time. I get that life’s a stressful thing and everyone wants to unwind but fuck.

  8. The notion of “just do what makes you happy”. This is a recipe for failure pushed by miserable people.

  9. Inflation, my dream job won’t pay enough and I have to either give up on it completely or keep it as a secondary job

  10. Tik Tok. This shit should be banned. Seriously. I mean some dumbasses actually quote their information as reasonable sources from in here.

  11. Our regression. We used to build things made to last. People would own furniture, tools, and clothes that they would have for years. You could repair it and keep it working well. Now we have planned obsolescence and keep the mindset of “throw it away and get a new one.” TV and phones used to be reliable and now both cut out as they’ve been moved to new systems that may provide more channels but are unreliable.

    It’s like we’re inventing problems that we’ve already solved.

  12. People playing the victim. You can be victimized without having to continue being the victim. Being a victim is a mindset.

  13. You can be so giving and care so much for someone, but that doesn’t mean they will stay. If the girl has other options, she’ll just dip

  14. Just social media in general. I won’t deny that there’s plenty of good things to be said about it. But there’s also a lot of negatives. And in my opinion the negatives tend to outweigh the positives.

  15. How divided everything is. Nothing feels like we are united at all. Someone has always gotta keep dividing us and I’m tired of it.

  16. Electronic records. Once upon a time you could move 20 miles away and begin a completely new life. Now your every mistake follows you everywhere forever. Not just your mistakes. Everything you do haunts you forever.

  17. The modern world has a lot of division. You can’t disagree with someone without being called a name of some sort.

  18. Take your pick (gestures vaguely everywhere).

    Late stage capitalism;
    Cancel culture;
    Subscription based business model rather than outright ownership;
    Fake social media and the clout chasing that comes with it;
    Slimy scoundrel politicians making a career off of sowing division and hatred;
    Devastation of nature;
    Lack of upward mobility and home ownership;
    Gutting of social services and social safety nets;
    Rampant selfishness and individualism as opposed to collectivism (because communism durr)

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