I just started watching 21 bridges and I noticed something that I’ve seen a lot in movies

In this case, the cops shut down Manhattan and a billboard shows something like

“Police lockdown. For information call

I’ve seen this in infomertials and a lot of other shows

Hoe do you call that “number”?

  1. Back in the days of wall mounted phones, there were 3-4 letters on each number.

    Most advertisements also displayed the regular numbers as well.

  2. open up your phone app and look at the keypad. see those little guys under the numbers? they’re letters, there ya go.

  3. On a phone dial numbers 2-9 are assigned letters. 2 (ABC), 3 (DEF), 4 (GHI), 5 (JKL), 6 (MNO), 7 (PQRS), 8 (TUV), 9 (WXYZ). Tips would be dialed 8477

  4. If you look at a phone keypad there are letters on it. 2-6 and 8 have three letters of the alphabet (in order obviously), 7 has PQRS and then 9 has WXYZ. To if an advertisement was like “call 555-ABCD” you would dial 555-2223.

    edited because I forgot one

  5. Corresponding letters on the numbers.

    Open up the call app on your phone, you’ll see letters on 2-9 “keys” (not sure if it’s the same for number pads on phones outside of the US)

    1-800-CALL NOW would be 1-800-225-5669

    It’s just an easier way for advertisers to get people to remember their phone number.

  6. > xxxx-xxxxx-tips

    I love how different countries have different cadences for their numbers. Ours are 10 digits – 3, then 3, then 4. (XXX) XXX-XXXX. We do not typically use country codes, and ours is +1 anyway. So your example would be (XXX) XXX-TIPS or (XXX) XXX-8477.

  7. It was something to incorporate to make key entry easier for telephone devices to make key entries and telephone numbers easier to use for business.

    Also it’s cheaper than giving everyone a keyboard or type writer with their phone.

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