
I hope this is the right community to ask, if not I’m happy to remove this post.

I just began taking a small dosage of antidepressants and the immediate side effect is my inability to ejaculate. Like I looked at some sexy pictures all morning and – just. can’t. get. there!

It’s making me feel a bit nervous and slightly freaked out. I took antidepressants years ago and remember something similar, but I could always come. Now it seems impossible. Any help is appreciated!

  1. So I had antidepressants where I had that side effect for a couple of weeks before it went away. I could still orgasm but it took awhile to get there. I think I’d give it a week or two, and if you still can’t talk to your doctor and change medicine

  2. Side effects usually get better after an adjustment period of a few weeks (not necessarily all the way better though), but if you find after that period that you’re still not happy with it, you might want to ask about trying Wellbutrin instead. It’s one of the only depression medications that’s not associated with sexual side effects, although it works on dopamine rather than serotonin, so it’s not necessarily appropriate for all patients.

  3. I’ve been on antidepressants and experienced the same thing. I could go hours with a partner and eventually had to stop because I couldn’t finish. It wasn’t always, but yeah many many times and it got frustrating.

    It’s been a while now off of the meds and I’m back to normal.

    Only thing I can say to you is talk to your partners so they are understanding, the mind plays a lot here and if they are supporting of you it will be a lot easier to climax since you will be more relaxed, not thinking about your partner’s expectations.

  4. Same thing happened to me. I had the same issue. I could get hard and I would be in the mood but could never get to the point of ejaculation. Had to switch around my meds a couple of times because that was a side effect I did not want. It’s definitely not uncommon so you aren’t the only one!

  5. When I experienced a loss in libido after being on SSRIs, I brought it up to my doctor. He prescribed sex to me (with my wife, lol). He said, does it still work? It did for me, but seems not to for you. I would suggest that if this persists for more than a couple weeks, you will need to bring it up

  6. I take 90mg duloxetine daily and buspirone as needed. I’ve never had a problem with premature ejaculation but have always had a delayed response off meds. Through my adulthood I figured out how to work around that. But, recently took generic cialis thinking his might help…. It only made it more very frustrating to not be able to ‘arrive’ to finish but remaining rock hard but physically worn out. My SO and I have learned that lots of body contact and even some rough play can help break down the delayed ejaculation wall, on occasion. It is really fun to have full body orgasms repeatedly from that kind of stimulation. So, don’t let the meds’ side effects get you down. Be creative and always communicate!

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