What’s one thing you really appreciate about other men?

  1. The fact that we can provide advice without bringing down others. The differences between my dad groups and my wife’s mom groups is pretty crazy. They tear each other apart over there for the most minor transgressions whereas dad just laugh it off or point you in the right direction.

  2. I appreciate that men can work productively with other men they dislike; we’ve got a job to do, let’s get it done. We aren’t grabbing beers afterwards but we can help each other.

  3. That we can both be strong yet gentle, plus good men protect what man when another man is harassing her as well!

  4. When I talk to a lan I don’t need to be weary of like 5 other channels of communication that a woman would expect me to be fluent in

  5. That they relate more to my struggles and understand the expectations placed on me better than 99% of women.

  6. I think men are more likely to help in a random emergency. Like in a bad blizzard it was me and a bunch of other random guys digging people out. And at an amusement park when a ride was about to tip over only the men in the crowd ran over and grabbed it provide counterweight and save everyone.

  7. When a man figures out something important, he has the need to share it with his fellow men. This I appreciate very much and makes me proud of being a man.

  8. Idk what it is but I can literally ask any man for help like a dad based question and get a genuine answer. I ask girls for help and they be more like, your a man you should know this, man don’t need to know this, would a man even do it right.

    Just asked like 8 out of 10 guys and usually get the answer with the other two usually giving me a shrug and saying they don’t know either.

  9. Talking to them and having a good conversation without worrying about tripping up on a potential mate.

  10. I genuinely appreciate the laughs men have with each other. I work in a all-male environment, despite no one really liking the job, we spend a good portion of our shift just laughing together.

  11. Camaraderie. Men instinctively understand each other. That why we don’t have to try to ‘understand’ each other. It’s also why we talk about bs like sports

  12. They never ask ‘What are you thinking about?’.

    They don’t feel hurt if you don’t call them back right away.

    They can be friends even if you don’t see them for years; they understand that stuff just gets in the way.

  13. Keeping focus on what is at hand, such as projects or with anything related to work. In my experience (this is just what I’ve noticed), when I walk into work, I can count on men leaving any drama they might be experiencing outside of work, and be trusted not to lay it on me. I can count on the ladies to be sitting in the back, weeping, because one of them broke up with a boyfriend…and then I am treated to an entire day of emotional turmoil, passive-aggressiveness, and misplaced bitterness.

  14. Keeping focus on what is at hand, such as projects or with anything related to work. In my experience (this is just what I’ve noticed), when I walk into work, I can count on men leaving any drama they might be experiencing outside of work, and be trusted not to lay it on me. I can count on the ladies to be sitting in the back, weeping, because one of them broke up with a boyfriend…and then I am treated to an entire day of emotional turmoil, passive-aggressiveness, and misplaced bitterness.

  15. It warms my heart to see the “friendly bros”. The ones that you could assume they are jocks, but are the first to jump in to help with about anything they see from spotting someone, getting something tall or heavy moved, etc.

    Seeing people like that gives me a sliver of hope for human kind

  16. When there’s a dude ready to take charge when something goes wrong. I fucking hate it when I get looked at to handle it. I mean I’ll do it, I just really don’t fucking want to.

  17. They can have your back when shit gets real. They go through way more than a lot of people know about.

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