I’m new to a friend group, my coworker added me to it. One of the guys in the group expressed his interest in me, but due to my unsure feelings and fear of dating in a friend group I asked him to stay in the talking stage until I can reciprocate his feelings. I’ve never dated before, sadly meaning the chances of us staying together aren’t super high, and I’m so so afraid of messing up the friend group, and also being seen differently. Should I cut it off? Him and I get along pretty well, but I fear the outcome will be worse than anything.

Edit: like I said we are in the talking stage as per a discussion we had. So that part is mutual. I am also an extreme over thinker and over analyzer. So idk if maybe that’s what I’m doing right now or not.
Edit: we are both 20

1 comment
  1. You never dating before isn’t indicative of whether it’s going to succeed or fail.

    If you like him, spend some time with him outside of the group.

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