so my brother organized this lunch with his friend,his friend’s mom and my aunt (my mom is currently working in another country,my dad lives in another city and sometimes comes) this lunch will be at my aunt’s house. i want to skip it because it will probably be awkward,i don’t want my aunt making some comments about me there (we have a complicated relationship),but is it rude to skip it? could it hurt my brother (he organized it)? and could he have some resentment towards me for that? i could ask him but we aren’t very close to each other and we have a complicated relationship

  1. You can skip if you like, rude or not you don’t have to make yourself uncomfortable to make someone else happy, it’s up to you

  2. you should go just so you can start developing different strategies for dealing with difficult people like your aunt. it’ll help you in the long run.

  3. From an expert in rudeness, YES.

    P.S. If you’re aunt is such a nosy bitch, let it be known to her but for your brother’s sake, go.

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