I’ve been an introvert all my life and had struggled with conversations as long as I can remember. Recently I met this person and we talked for a good hour. I’m not sure how that happened but it was fun. Anyways after a few such conversations with them, I’m now struggling to find things to talk with them. We already talked about our interests, future plans, reasons why they did something and a lot of small talk topics like their day and stuff.
Also I don’t want to randomly ask them personal questions like their fears or childhood if it’s not related to an ongoing conversation. So during the last conversation, I found my mind going blank and freezing, looking for a topic and not make an awkward silence đŸ€. Also I felt that they weren’t in the mood to talk stuff like that at the time. So I’m not sure how to pick topic as well as make sure they’re in the mood to talk about it. Or how to make sure we both feel comfortable with the silence for a while?

1 comment
  1. With my friends we usually talk about what happened that week. Anything going on with their: job, class, exercise program, family, what they did, something they ate, what’s going in the world or locally if they happened to catch a headline, etc.

    In other words, instead of going deeper, go broader and personal to the person’s life.

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