when you compare nudes that women send compared to men the aesthetic difference is crazy, women will find different angles you know and spice it u whereas men literally look like they could care less and took the picture in 1 second😭

EDIT- i’m not shaming men’s bodies i’m talking about the pics where you’re literally on the toilet or stuff like that

  1. I hear you. If you’re sending me a dick pic, it shouldn’t take me 10 seconds to actually figure out what I’m looking at.

    But some men do put effort in.

  2. Oh usually when I get a dick pic (especially the ones that where unprovoked) I just reply with pictures of ghost shrimp, or if I feel sassy, of gifs of ghost shrimp. Nothing gets their blood boiling quicker, than having their fragile ego crushed by a 7 mm long *Pariambus typicus.* (And before I get weird questions, I have a Masters in Marine Science, yes I do think this stuff’s funny)

  3. The more important question is, why do you feel the need to put so much effort in as a woman?

    Thats your answer.

  4. Many men don’t realise the effort women put into it! We just think you’re naturally photogenic or have a great camera and don’t understand why ours look so terrible.

    Also if you want a picture of our erection then we have to keep attending to it to make sure it stays while we’re messing around with test shots and lighting and angle and cropping…

  5. Men are not conditioned by societal forces to constantly sexualize themselves the way women are, so many of them haven’t developed skills related to doing so.

  6. as a guy, while I try to put in the effort to send better nsfw pics /gifs / vids to women that give me consent to, I feel like my options are limited.

    * multiple angles of my penis
    * my butt
    * my body / face
    * my balls / balls in motion
    * bent over to show my ass and balls
    * gif / vid of cock and balls in motion while bent over
    * gif / vid of masturbating and ejaculating

    sometimes I’ll find a new, fun pose or angle but, after a while, it feels repetitive.

  7. I often try to do different pics or poses, and most of the time with some words to go along with it so it’s not just a pic and they can think of things with it, but even saying that yeah I don’t think I could hold a candle to most pics of women I see, I guess I just find more parts physically attractive on women

  8. I have never sent a nude in my life…and I am absolutely not putting effort into any pictures.

  9. Woman, what do you want to see? I could take a regual stomach/dick Pic but your unsatisfied. I can take a video where I’m humping air and you’ll be unsatisfied. I tried so much over years and the regual stomach/dick combo just works best. Please tell me what you wanna see

  10. 43m I’m so happy that I realized this and started putting in the extra effort. All it takes is watching a few tik toks to learn what girls want in a pic and it has upped my game 1000%

  11. Men don’t know how to. We don’t see nudes of men, and know how to model ourselves in photos in general. On the flip side, we see models of women, and even nudes everywhere, posing very sexily. It is easier to learn because we are exposed to women posing more than men posing. Also women are judged more on their looks than men so it is a useful skill for women to learn

  12. It sounds like you yourself don’t even know how to spice up a man’s nudes and you’re the one complaining…. How am I supposed to set up lights, get a good angle, set a timer, and maintain an erection?

  13. I HATE pics made on the toilet! STOP THAT! And clean up the background. If it looks like you’re in a dumpster, I’m moving on.

  14. I actually had someone send me a dick pic while sitting on a toilet. Please no toilet at the very least.

  15. Women overthink, we do it with every aspect in life. Not many men do, especially my bf… he just so chill it sometimes makes me jealous 😂 he gets self conscious though, I just think men can hide it better as well….

  16. I think the reason behind this is a lot of men don’t know how to take a sexy picture. Honestly I don’t think a lot of men think that they are sexy, or can be. I watched a TikTok recently of a woman teaching men how to pose for a nude / semi nude selfie and I think we need more of that kind of content.

  17. Well, when people are not exactly within the society’s norm of beauty, they tend to avoid pictures and videos in general. I don’t think its lazyness or anything like tht.we just have never been encouraged to take photos(quite the oposite tbh), and by result we kinda dont know how make a good pic, be it a profile or a nude.

    Is there any tricks or smthing for nudes for guys? Would really Love to hear some….lol

  18. I will say as a guy, it took me a long time to figure out how to make nudes sexy for a woman. Here’s what I learned, your mileage may vary:

    Lighting, lighting, lighting. You do not want bright, full-on overhead lighting. It is unflattering to your body and makes your skin tone flat. Never ever use the flash.

    If you have a lamp, turn off the other lights and use that. Light yourself from one direction, usually from the side or at angle to the front of your body, not from the top. The shadows created from side lighting give more depth to your body and you can pick an angle that is most flattering to your body. You can also use the white balance on your phone to make the color a little warmer (this setting is usually the icon that says “WB” or has a picture of a thermometer; the right one should make everything look just a little orange if you’re white).

    Then, if you want to get creative, you can start doing things like putting the light behind you to create a silhouette effect, which can be a nice teasing picture.

    Which brings me to the next point: build up the tension! Playboy doesn’t just show you the woman fully naked in the first picture, they usually show her in various stages of undress or just giving you peeks before letting it all hang out. Show them a bulge in your underwear before you whip it out. When done correctly, implied nudity can be as hot or hotter than actual nudity.

    Don’t just send a super close up of your dick. Include some of your body, give it some context. Most people want to fuck the guy attached to the dick, not just the dick itself. Avoid taking a picture looking straight down. Downward angles tend to make things look small and underwhelming. Upward angles usually have the opposite effect, but this is unflattering for its own reasons, not to mention the logistics of taking such a photo. Taking one from the side is often a good compromise, or take on lying down, from an angle so that you’re not looking straight down.

    If you’re self conscious about your dick size, de-emphasize that. Trim your bush, avoid putting size references (like your hand) in the photo. This is another case where you can get a lot of mileage out of implied nudity before giving up the full monty.

  19. Because most of the time they aren’t received well. This isn’t a take on dude’s randomly sending dick pics. Obviously that shouldn’t happen. But if you get barely any reaction from them when you tried to a willing party…meh why bother caring?

  20. Because men are taught that their body is gross and thus they have no clue how to make it look any other way

  21. Social conditioning.

    Women are conditioned to be attractive at all times, and ashamed of anything unattractive – so they’re more in tune to notice a double chin or an unflattering angle of their stomach or whatever. We know what we are “supposed” to look like in nudes from seeing women in magazines and online all their lives. No body hair, no bulges, curves in the right places but not in the wrong ones.

    Men are told that ‘dad-bods’ are sexy, body hair is normal, that the right woman will accept them however they look. They don’t have the same insecurities or demands made of them. So they think just a picture of them with a hard on is irresistible, no reason to believe otherwise.

    They also probably think the photo you took, where you had shaved and experimented with angles to show off your best bits and hide anything you don’t like, and took 50 different shots to find one you liked… they think you did that in 10 seconds and just got nude and took a picture. Because why would you have all these insecurities that they never had? And you’re gorgeous anyway right sonof course all your photos look stunning. They just have no idea the work and planning that goes into it.

  22. Okay so to be honest it takes me like 20 minutes to figure out what works and what is going to look good. Trust me we care lol

  23. This is complete news to me that women even want nudes of men of any kind. My exs have never been the least bit interested. Though they never even sent me any nudes even if I requested them so idk… Never seen it really talked about in Reddit either other than in a negative context so I’ve barely ever even tried.

  24. I think, honestly, that men don’t know how to objectify themselves and don’t know what’s appealing to the female gaze, whereas women growing up in our culture are constantly told and shown how to present themselves to men, what men want to see – it’s literally everywhere. Many women have internalized this objectification and know from a young age how to objectify themselves for the male gaze, so taking nudes is an extension of that. Men are not bombarded with images in the same way, and haven’t internalized the female gaze to the same degree. That’s my theory!

  25. Men are not used to be objectified, or objectifying themselves to anywhere near the extent women are. Most women are fully aware of their appearance, what they’re showing, what they’re not, and how to make the most of what they have and/or don’t have. Men generally don’t think or care about appearance very much. And the ones who do stick out like a sore thumb. Not necessarily in a bad way, but it’s obvious. You’ll see it in the way they carry themselves and dress long before you see their nudes.

  26. Try keeping an erection through the whole process of finding the right angle, lighting and pose. It’s hard! (No pun intended)

    Seriously tho, I think It comes down to 3 main reasons:

    1- Women find themselves in a sexualized position much more often than men, and thus are more used to It.

    2- Women have more “safe options” when It comes to “what should I display in this picture?”. What I mean by this is that you can’t really miss with a boob pic, while on the other hand you can really screw up a dick pic.

    3- Men and Women have different expectations when It comes to nudes. Men’s tend to be simpler.

  27. In my opinion a womans body is way more visually appealing. No matter what they’re wearing it is so much better.

    Simple test. Wear nothing, but t shirt for your SO. Then have him do the same.

    That whole baby huey looking awkwardness is also shown in pictures.

  28. We don’t have attributes to make us stand out like women do. Unless you are into beer bellies and man boobs some of men can develop without much effort. 😂 I feel like we don’t have naturally the skills women are blessed with…

  29. Guys do not constantly get fed images of men as objects of desire or get conditioned to consider how we might present ourselves as visually appealing to a presumed second party nearly to the same extent as ladies. As such, we have a much less developed sense of how to present ourselves as objects of desire and that translates to, in general, a much less developed selfie game. Plus it’s hard to make balls look good. We’re working from a deficit here ladies

  30. what the heck type of picture do you want guys to send? lol. Women have beautiful curves, and boobs, and shapely asses and beautifully trimmed or untrimmed bush. Men just have a cock. lol

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