My boyfriend and I have been together for a year and our sex lives have not improved. At this point I don’t enjoy sex with him it’s become very boring and forgettable. Most of the time it’s his strokes and I will mention it and he will fix it in the moment but it goes back after, I’ve had friends say that they simply can’t use toys they need the real thing but the type of sex we have I could go without it forever really. Nowadays I usually avoid it and just use my toy and he hasn’t said anything about us not having sex. I obviously couldn’t say it like this because it would hurt him but how could I talk to him about this? I want sex to be enjoyable and something to look forward to.

  1. Dont tell him he’s bad, just keep giving him feedback. So it’s positive and he doesn’t feel bad, you could try saying at the beginning of a hookup how you love when he does it a certain way and that you want it like that. Make it complimentary and like a challenge of sorts. His mind will be on doing you like that the whole time and afterwards, you can have that conversation with him.

  2. So as a guy, here’s what always turned me on. When having sex, the woman guides and talks. Communication during sex is great! When you guide, it’s more so guiding where he places his hands or luring him to do what you want him to do. You can speak it verbally, or non-verbally, but just sorta take control. When communicating, always say exactly what you want him to do. Not like in a Dom way, but saying words so that he knows what’s turning you on, and saying what YOU want. That way he knows and follows what to do that can give you words of affirmation to him. I rather hear talking and communicating vs. Moaning and breathing.

    I’ve learned there are a few porn stars and content creators who do that…And this is by no means exaggeration, it’s literally what they do…. look up,

    Layla London

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