We havent made any commitments but at the same time seeing someone who is going on other dates makes me feel like they have no investment in me. Feels like i am being strung along, kind of a deal breaker for me. Am i crazy for wanting to see someone who only sees one person at a time and breaks things off if they dont feel it?

  1. If you do not know where you/things stand it is imperative for you to take the initiative to ask where you/things stand otherwise you may forever be in limbo… And limbo sucks. Don’t be in limbo, haha

  2. I wouldn’t date somebody who’s dating other people.

    To me, dating is making a commitment to give somebody an honest chance. If you’re dating several people at the same time, you can’t give any one the full attention that it deserves. It’s like having one foot out the door at all times. And I’m not going to date somebody who treats me like that.

    It gives off a feeling of “Yeah, but there could be somebody better than you”. It takes time to get to really know somebody. If I wanted to catch someone off the bat, I could just lie and tell them everything they want to hear.

  3. That’s fine with me. Don’t ask, don’t tell.

    If you want to be exclusive then you must have that conversation and accept the results. Even if this guy isn’t the one there is someone else out there who may be.

  4. I am against it personally. I dont like the idea of being in a competition with other people over someone I like.

  5. In the gay world I kinda assume someone I’m seeing is seeing others unless we talk about being exclusive

  6. If the exclusivity hasn’t been discussed and agreed on by both sides, there can be no reasonable expectation of exclusivity.

  7. If it’s been more than two or three dates, probably not, but if we just met than it’s no problem.

  8. On the first few dates? I dont mind much but as soon as physical affection enters the chat it has to be exclusive.

  9. I think it’s unfair to expect exclusivity until you’ve both agreed to it, especially in the 1st-2nd date stage.

    So many first dates never lead to anything serious that it seems silly to only pursue one at a time.

  10. Finding out that a woman is fucking other people because we’re not ExLuSiVe yet is very off putting to me and an automatic dealbreaker

  11. Well I’m married so, that’s mean I’d be doing the same, which I’m not, and she’s not, so… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  12. After the first couple of dates I would walk away. If she can’t decide between us I have no problem making the decision for her. I don’t date multiple women at the same time.

  13. I think dating is a way to get to know if you are compatible with somebody. You should not be married or locked into one person at a time as it is a waste of life to date for awhile and they not be the one.

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