There’s a guy that I work with that I think has a crush on me, but I’m nervous to make a move incase I’ve completely got the wrong idea. We only met as he joined my team at the start of October and we’ve been working on a group project together.

I feel like there is a vibe there. We make a lot of eye contact and teases me sometimes like offering everyone else gum but not me, silly things like that.

We live fairly close so we will sometimes walk the same way home together and we have good conversation, nothing too intense just about work and our hobbies and interests. Whilst we walk our arms have brushed a couple of times so I decided to not move away to test the waters and it kept happening.

The other night and the conversation took a turn. At first the topic was casual as usual, where we like to go out and drink and he randomly asks me if I’ve been hooking up with guys when I’ve been out. He then started asking about my previous relationships and if I still spoke to my ex which I found weird as it kinda came out of the blue. I don’t know why he would ask that.

Anyway, sorry it’s a little long winded. I’m pretty sure he does like me, I’ve told some friends the above and they agree but I would like to know an opinion from someone neutral 🙂

  1. No one can tell you for sure but

    >The other night and the conversation took a turn. At first the topic was casual as usual, where we like to go out and drink and he randomly asks me if I’ve been hooking up with guys when I’ve been out. He then started asking about my previous relationships and if I still spoke to my ex which I found weird as it kinda came out of the blue. I don’t know why he would ask that.

    is kinda fishy.
    The thing is, you could make a move, but since he’s in your work environment, it’s always problematic. Either he rejects you and it gets a little awkward or you both go out and it doesn’t work or becomes toxic and it shows in your work environment. That’s why people say that you shouldn’t date in the workplace. Usually this advice applies more to career jobs. If you want to start hooking up with somebody you met while working weekends at Olive Garden, go for it tho.

  2. Sounds like he’s into you. I’m all about taking charge and I’d recommend directly asking him out. I know it’s unconventional for a girl to ask a guy out but for me I hate the uncertainty and every day torture of whether they’re into me or not. Its ok to take an L although I doubt that would be the case in your situation. Cheers and goodluck! Let us know how you decide to proceed with it 😊

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