Men of reddit: when you tell a guy no to casual why do they continually try and try?

  1. They dont have other options usually (imo). When a guy has options, he moves on and you probably never hear from him again.

    And they think the more they pander to you, the more worn down you will become and eventually give-in.

  2. There is an old adage for men (heterosexual ones at least).

    “Men spend 9 months trying to get out, and the rest of their lifetime trying to get back in.”

    Men, especially young men, want to get laid. It’s really as simple as that. Obviously it’s not all men. And a lot of men don’t want relationships, but still want to get laid all the time. So they think the best way is to be pushy.

    Before I was married, I dated a few women in my life. I wouldn’t consider it a lot. But a good number. And I was never pushy. And I got enough sex that I never felt I needed to try harder to get more. But a lot of men never learn that being pushy isn’t what works.

  3. Honestly, we can sometimes make really really REALLY stupid decisions when we get horny enough. And some guys are desperate enough to hope that a woman will do the same.

  4. Because you’re not the only one saying no. Women as a whole aren’t just sitting there waiting for a chance to jump on someone’s dick. So guys are bound to keep trying because at this stage there’s no major differences for majority of men. It’s either die trying or die a virgin.

    If other options existed where women were ready to fuck, then guys wouldn’t ever bother asking you twice if at all.

  5. You said no to casual. They might still be hoping for something serious. So just tell them you aren’t interested in them in any way.

  6. Maybe he’s not a quitter! Lol ok jk. There could be multiple reasons especially if younger generation. Generally sex isn’t seen as anything of value now. Amongst some other issues that have pushed that . He may not understand why you don’t want casual,. He could also be a twat.

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