I (27f) matched with this guy let’s call him Y(29m) about a month ago. He told me upfront that he doesn’t like texting much and much rather prefer meeting irl and talking on the phone than anything. I am currently have been traveling for a couple of days/ a week maybe and we talked right until my flight boarded. I texted him and kept the convo alive for a while but he also has to work for a these days where he has to work from 6-10pm, so I don’t want to keep texting him because a) he doesn’t like texting, b) he busy and I am not and I don’t want to be insensitive, c) because I keep feeling like I am pushing myself onto him and I don’t want to seem desperate although I do like him. We last texted Saturday and haven’t talked since and I was the last person to text. there is also time difference. Do I text him? Or just wait it out?

1 comment
  1. I’d call him once whenever you think he might not be working. I get it that texting is not his thing but atleast for courtesy you can let the other person know that you’ve received their text and will communicate when you got time. You both potentially want to be in a relationship so both should show equal amounts of interest. If you keep on chasing him .. chances are its never going to change while you two are together

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