As in reasonabley content with life, decent job, average or good physical and mental health etc? I don’t think anyone I know fits this description and I was wondering if there’s anyone out there that does? Or are ‘normal people’ a myth?

  1. I think this is an age thing.

    It take it you’re on the younger end of the scale?

    Yes you’ve been screwed.

  2. I would say I tick all those boxes yes. Whilst I can’t know their deepest inner thoughts to know how their mental health and contentment really is, I would say that to my knowledge most of my friends fit that description too.

    That being said, I don’t know that ‘normal’ is really a useful description.

  3. I do (as you describe it). I have a good wage and work from home in a job that is relatively stressless and is fun to do. I exercise 3x times a week and go on long walks during weekends with my wife to be.

    I feel good mentally, I have my ups and downs as everyone but nothing major, and mostly I feel good. Physically, I have some stomach issues but it’s not bad, it’s an inconvenience but nothing terrible. I have hobbies and direction I’m headed in life. Generally, I’m happy.

    Not sure what really qualifies as normal, but I do feel good most of the time.

  4. Until you reach an age you spend 1/2 your week going into retail premises and screaming at teenagers and staff being paid minimum wage, you are normal in my book.

    I’ve encountered a very large sample size of people.

  5. I spent the entirety of growing up trying to be as abnormal as possible, but now I’m an adult and stuck in my ways I just wish I was normal more than anything.

  6. My mental health is god awful, on medication and on stage 3, the second highest level of therapy offered by the NHS

  7. I think of normal as being super boring and following the normal script of life. Not thinking outside the box or being creative with how you live. (The usual script of life being; 9-5 career, living in a house with your SO, getting a dog, marriage, then kids shortly follow. You spend your weekends taking your kids to clubs and birthday parties but manage to get drunk with your friends once a month and complain about the lack of excitement in your life) So no, I don’t I am normal. Nor are my closest friends.

  8. Eh.. pretty close. I’m relatively happy with me job, me and my partner earn a decent living, generally happy, of course there are ups and downs. Physically I’m doing okay, fitter than your average Joe but I do have digestive issues. Have a son and we are planning a second child soon.

    To be fair I’d say that’s as “normal” as it gets, nothing is perfect, nothing is falling apart. There’s a few things I would change but I guess I’m content.

  9. I’m 23 and I would say I tick all those boxes.

    I don’t earn very much money at all but my job currently is a residential youth worker. I earn £860 per month but don’t have to pay for my food or housing. The place I stay is very remote and extremely basic (we live off grid and don’t have hot water most of the time, I have my own bedroom with my partner but share living spaces, kitchen and bathroom with 14 other people.

    I would say I am very happy with my physical health and my mental health is good from doing a job which I love and think is worthwhile. I don’t need much in the way of luxuries and most of my fun comes from spending time with the people I live with and the young people who come to the centre each week.

    It is certainly not ‘normal’ though

  10. I’m content with my lot. I live in my own, so that I don’t have to put up with other people. I know that’s an unpopular position, but I’d rather be on my own. As a bonus, I work from home. I earn £55k for doing a job which is easy. I’ve actually managed to automate most of it.

    I don’t do loads of exercise, but im in pretty good physical condition.

    I have a roof over my head, food and heating (sometimes). I have clothes, Wi-Fi and electricity. I have a medium sized group of good friends. What more do I need?

  11. I’m normal according to your description and growing ever more normal, I think, as I’m now a middle-aged white woman who does yoga, plays tennis, and has recently started a diet. I live in a neighbourhood that appears, from the statistics I’ve seen, to be absolutely average compared to the rest of the country in terms of crime, ethnic makeup, education level, income, etc. Essentially, I’m normal in some ways and very much not in others. I’m not sure anyone out there is normal in everything, though.

  12. I certainly am not, but I know someone who thinks that they are and goes to great lengths to appear as such, despite being a pretty nasty piece of work behind closed doors.
    Said person has a compulsion to point out to others how they aren’t normal and goes to great lengths to express disdain for anything alternative. Tattoos are trashy, dyed hair makes you look like a freak, piercings make you look like you should be in a freakshow, and anything that isn’t the standard jeans and hoodie uniform that many people wear is just wrong. No exceptions.
    I suspect some form of personality disorder.

  13. I’m abnormally normal.

    Or maybe normally abnormal?


    Define Normal.

    From your comment, I like my job, but it’s not well paid for today’s standards of earnings over speciality and the skill involved (mainly because people think they know it when they really have no clue).

    Relatively good phycially, although age related strains making their mark.

    Mentally? I have no idea. I’ve always thought I was good mentally, however with so much overloading on mental health issues, I wonder if I’m fine or have issues…. Basically the amount of mental health issues being advertised around make me think I have issues.

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