So I was in an university club there was a guy who keep joking about me on different occasions. For example like below:

Each time I try to make the group in one to take the picture (I am the photographer) and he just said “Noooo!” (in a joking way) and every time I said “please stop” or “Just get into the line” he always says “why are you so tense?” and make everyone have bad feelings toward me.

Every time I tried to set the limit like above he said “why are you so tense?” again and again. But he won’t stop and every time there is a club meeting he kept joking towards me.

For me. I shorter than him, less handsome than him, a little nerd in my opinion, I still try to change myself. I know it is some kind of bullying but I don’t know how to stop this.

1 comment
  1. Do you want to be seen as a strict person or a casual person?

    If casual, smile to everyone and say something like “for real though, let’s get it moving! We haven’t got all day.” You can also talk to other people to get him to move instead of directly at him.

    If strict, just look directly at him and say “please just cooperate, yeah?”

    Maybe add in some eye rolls and sighs, but it really depends on how confident you are and how you can play off it to not make yourself the ‘villain’ in this situation.

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