There’s people (particularly those born in rich families or those who make insane money) who have connections with people in high positions. Positions of power/influence, government officials, wealthy businessmen, etc.

I however came from a lower-middle class household and never really had any high-status connections or friends.

So I wanna know how I can possibly get out of the “normal” realm and instead surround myself with high-status individuals so I can be in high-status social circles? How do I possibly get my “foot in the door”?

Is there a particular place I should go, particular environment I should spend my time in?

Info about me:

* 28 y.o. male
* Live in San Diego
* I’m an accountant by profession – I know high status people like accountants
* Financially, started at nothing and making 6-figs now. Aiming to reach 7-figures.

  1. Improve your looks and make a ton of money, theres a channel where a guy focuses on this and gives advice on how to do it called 1stman been following some of his advice for around a year it has kinda worked

  2. First – be honest with yourself – what you are looking for clearly isn’t friendship/connection.

    What you want is purely transactional – so you have to think about what you are offering on your end of the deal.

    People will only want to network with you if they think they can benefit from your knowledge or network.

    As a corollary to that – people only want to introduce you to someone else if it benefits them to do so (e.g. you make them look good by being valuable to the person/people you are being introduced to)

  3. I think if you want that, you should try to go to seminars on trading stocks, owning a business, etc. Toast Masters club too might have at least some highly motivated people.

    Even here on Reddit or Instagram, you might be able to find coaches or communities for businessmen or stock traders, etc.

    Maybe another place could be like high performance car shows or clubs. I imagine most people there are very financially well-off.

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