How do I make peace with the fact that my specific taste is music is abhorred by other?
I moved to a new country a few years back, and was alone for a long time. My relatives lived an overnight journey away from my college. In order to cope with the new environment, I found a new genre to associate with this new environment. And I have been hooked on it since. I haven’t been able to go back to any of the previously known songs. So all that’s great.
But apparently, no one else seems to like it. Initially I tried really hard to make anyone I know give a single fuck about them, but responses range from a polite pass, to a more active response insulting everything. I think I’m learning to not share my songs with anyone. I mean I should take a hint eventually, right? On the other hand, I like to discuss the flow, rhythm, beat and lyrics with someone. But can’t.
And I let anyone play any song of their liking on roadtrips because I respect their choices enough and have learned to be open to newer songs. and I listen to my own whenever Im alone. Just feels sad.

  1. Share a song link?

    I use headset all the time. I listen to many genres, so keep it in my head mostly.

  2. Why do you care so much? It doesn’t matter. Like what you like, let others like what they like.

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