I (18F) have been comparing myself to everyone my boyfriend (18M) follows. Instagram for me has really made me feel crap about the way I look. Even though people say I’m good looking and beautiful I can’t help but compare myself to other people. It’s more about other peoples confidence rather than the way they look. I recently joined a modelling and casting agency that has got me a job as an extra in a big movie scene. I didn’t expect it to be so overwhelming as it was my first time. Talking to people as well is a struggle for me. I always feel so inferior to everyone and I’m starting to try and get my confidence back. I always wonder if I am good looking enough for my boyfriend. I always think that girls lighter with straight hair look better and that he would prefer them to me. Any ideas on what I should do?

  1. I think you should detoxify from IG and/or any other social media that’s making you feel inferior about yourself. Seriously, it isn’t healthy to compare yourself to unrealistic expectations of what “others” look like.

    Additionally, I wouldn’t waste your time trying to look at who your BF follows. It’s not healthy for you and it’ll only end up building resentment toward him and self loathing for you.

  2. I’m convinced you look way better than 95% of the instahoes out there.
    Instagram is not the real world at all

  3. Those flashy women are trash. I don’t wanna be anywhere near them let alone be in their presence. I bet they have the comprehension of a goldfish. You don’t wanna be like those “women”

  4. You’d look great too, if you had a IG BF who’s only job is to follow you around with a reflector and tripod. It’s not real. Stop looking at who your BF follows on IG.

  5. 1. Dump him. I don’t put up with men like this. As soon as I get a man’s social media, I look to see if he follows a bunch of crap like this. If he does, he is no longer a dating option. Life is too short to be with a man who is publicly drooling over other women.

    2. Build up your own self worth and esteem. You are more than your looks and looks aren’t everything. This is easier said than done but therapy, meditation, and focus on other goals can help.

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