I posted this question a few days ago but all I got were creepy guys in my pms. So please fuck off if you’re just a horny and wanting me to help you get off because I’m not interested. Anyway:

Hey everyone (throwaway for obvious reasons), I (19f) have been masturbating for a few years now, and I’ve never orgasmed but it still feels good and I don’t really mind that much. I think I’ve convinced myself I just can’t finish so it doesn’t bother me, because nothing I’ve tried ever works. Recently though, I’ve been feeling a lot less sensitive and can’t really feel pleasure? I’m not sure what’s happening. I still get horny I just can’t satisfy myself. I don’t have a partner to try anything with and really want to learn how to do this stuff on my own. Right now though, I just feel nothing if I try to masturbate. Does anyone have any tips on how to regain sensitivity? I don’t think it was caused by masturbating too much since I never did it more than 3-4 times a week. Thanks 🙂

  1. One thing to look at is your mood more generally. Stress is the worst enemy of arousal and if you’re stressed, anxious or depressed they can really interfere with fun times.

    Beyond that a big part of it is to try to sensitise and connect to your body as deeply as you can. So maybe take a nice long bath, get super relaxed, make a really lovely area with nice pillows to lie on and make it nice and warm. Then start by slowly, gently, touching yourself and allowing yourself to fantasize, follow the feelings and really be experimental and open.

    Connect with your body and settle into it, let it guide you. That’s the way to great places imo.

  2. It sounds like to me just masturbating isn’t doing it for you anymore. Not saying that you need someone to help you. What im saying is just cuz your horny you feel. as though you have to play with yourself and after a while it just becomes boring. Trust me i know and i am 49yr old male. Even when I was with a woman i felt like that sometimes. The best advice i can give you is just dnt think about it

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