(23f 24m) My s/o doesn’t have health insurance. But I just want to have a normal round of sex without him losing his hard. It’s taking a toll on both of us.

  1. 24 and needs viagra?? Unless he’s on certain meds, he either needs to cut back on the porn or he has death grip.

  2. Pay for 1 doc visit.

    Have doc prescribe viagra.

    Use prescription and get it filled at a place that takes GoodRx. Pick up your prescription and pay cash, prob 10-25 bucks per month and no health insurance needed.

    24 is way to young to need ED meds though in most cases.

  3. Why does he even need viagra at this age?

    Talk to a doctor, there could be a serious issue causing his problems that isn’t fixed by viagra. Also, viagra like all medications can have side effects and counterindications, he should consult a doctor to make sure it is safe for him to take. There is a reason its an Rx drug.

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