(This has gotten deleted twice idk what i’m doing wrong reddit plz keep it up omg)

okay so i got my period this past friday because i had taken a plan b the saturday before and it basically gave me my period early, which im not gonna complain about. last night and this morning however, i had unprotected sex with my partner and i know 100% he pulled out. i also had just finished my period, so im not ovulating. is it worth it to take a plan b, or should i be okay? i don’t really wanna keep popping them like candy because #1 it’s not really the best for my body and #2 i’m supposed to get on birth control at some point

  1. Pulling out is like 60-70% effective. Maybe a little lower when that. I think you should be fine this time, but be careful. Me and my partner have been doing the pull out method for years and (knocks on wood) no baby. I’ve also been on birth control on and off if that makes a difference. Few pregnancy scares though, (don’t be like us!!).

  2. >i had taken a plan b the saturday before…last night and this morning however, i had unprotected sex with my partner and i know 100% he pulled out.

    >i don’t really wanna keep popping them like candy

    Holy shit, CONDOMS. Jesus, they’re neither expensive nor hard to buy.

  3. Could you maybe refrain until you have condoms/pills scenario going? For your own safety…?

    A woman can get pregnant

    **any day of the month**.

    Chances are increased days 13 to 15th (varies) but not guaranteed on these either.

    Talk to a pharmacist or your doctor for their opinions.

  4. Yeah, you probably shouldn’t take 2 plan b’s so quickly one after another, they are supposed to be for EMERGENCIES when your primary method of birth control fails, not something to use regularly. The chances you were ovulating to soon after your period are slim, so you should be OK this time, but after plan B your cycle can be off, so it’s probably best if you take a pregnancy test after two weeks or so just to be sure.

    And use condoms or get on the pill in the future if you’re not ready for a baby.

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