Basically the title…. A lot of text but please Bare with:

I’m VERY private about my PERSONAL/FAMILY life, although in the past when Ive gone through hardships I’d tend to use Social media to vent about social interactions, not realizing I was putting my business out for people to judge lol (as well as being kinda judgy of people)

I’m not a liar, I have been in the past (childhood) in order to make my life seem more interesting than it was, or be accepted, but I grew out of it years ago.
I’m kind of an asshole, very blunt, and social skills are something I’ve been polishing up on as of lately.

I’ve been in conversations with long-time friends lately who seem to have a pre-image of me, I’m assuming based off of my social media personality.
Some friends might look at me funnily as if I’m lying to them about things I’ve been through (I moved away from my hometown in high school, went to college, really just lived a private life where only my LTR girlfriend seems to really know the TRUE me).

I’ve even had people I considered close friends talk about me in my face… telling me I’m a fraud or judging me off of things they assume about my personal life (like having money when I’m really poor, or having a supportive dad when really he’s a narcissist and left my family to start a new one in my early teens).

I’ve also had people talk about me to my face in third-person, in ways that I take as an insult to my intelligence… Like instead of saying “Fabulous_Classrom93, I think YOU’RE full of shit/stupid” they’ll say something mid-convo like “I hate liars” or “Some people just don’t pay attention” or some other demeaning sly remark that is obviously shade.

Sometimes I catch these remarks & brush them away as ignorance, other times I speak up and people gaslight me for over exaggerating or being sensitive (im not known for being confrontational).

A lot of times I just chalk it up to being so isolated & private all the time that nobody truly knows/undErstands me.
But I would like to know if anybody has any insight or has gone through anything similar? It would help my sanity lol so many close friends questioning me that I’m starting to question myself

1 comment
  1. For people calling you a fraud/liar to your face etc, I’d be tempted to say “No one’s forcing you to hang out with me if that’s how you REALLY feel.”

    It sort of forces the issue, but if they’re going to be mean I’d call them out on it immediately.

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