I was the new girl at a new place. There was a group of mean popular girls who were fake and catty and made the whole place toxic. I dethroned them and got rid of the queen bee. But it made me think god I really dont care about being liked or popular or in charge or superior or adored or whatever power games these girls play. Like why do people do that. It made me realize how stupid it was ever be part of the popular crowd. I didnt even know them as people and when I got to know them they were awful ppl who I didnt feel emotionally safe around. But still I wanted there approval to be apart if that group, why? Society tells us to want to be popular but I really dont care. I realized it’s better to find a couple of friends and have a deep meaningful relationship with them and do what really matter to me then be popular. Idk why ppl want to be popular so much. I gusee when your young most ppl have Low self esteem and how popular you are correlates to your self worth and value so we yearn to be the most popular the most high value. We think being popular makes us better then others. I don’t think being popular in itself is bad some ppl are very social, the problem is changing yourself to fit in with what you think is popular and losing yourself. Idk…..being popular is just so stupid. If I why society brainwashed us to want that.

  1. Being popular doesn’t have to include being mean! At least, outside of high school, it doesn’t.

  2. If they’re mean why are they popular? Doesn’t being popular mean that you have to be likeable? Toxic people aren’t liked that much irl. Also is having friends even the same as being popular or is it more about people knowing you? I have so many questions.

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