What is the biggest fear you have in your relationship?

  1. That life is really ultimately meaningless and I will die knowing nothing I did or didn’t do will have any real meaning.

  2. That I haven’t been in one in a long time because my fears of women have come true in every situation. Use, abuse, cheating, lies and manipulation.

  3. That she loves him more and will eventually leave. Really talk, we’re in an open relationship.

  4. Boredom of one another, that she might get out of shape, that that i will get fat and grow a butt in the front of my stomach, that she will keep me from seeing other women.

  5. One day I will say “I love you” and she will hesitate to say it back. Then one day I’ll say it and she won’t say it. Slowly, ever so slowly no matter what I seem to do she will break things off until one day I message her and she’ll leave me on read for several days as my anxiety grows and grows knowing what the inevitable message will say.


    Been through more than a handful of relationships and not only has it become a running theme but something I fear and dread.

  6. That they are unhappy. My partner has total and complete freedom. When they wake up in the morning, everyday, they chooses me. I’m polyamous and I’m not scared of other people coming into their life. I wish people would, they’re incredible and it’s a shame that only I get to experience it, but I totally understand being picky. I want the people in my life to be happy, healthy, and preferably prospering.

  7. That she switches up and becomes abusive after the relationship becomes serious and we’ve already done a lot to join our lives together. Especially if this happens after having children.

  8. that i’ll never be in one ever again.

    its been a fucking long time since my last serious one and if it was just that i’d be okay, but i’ve had flings that went nowhere.

    i’m a relationship-type guy. this one-night stand shit breaks my heart. especially because i’m not good-looking, so its not that frequent for me.

  9. cheating, and the many possible reasons why she did it in the first place, mostly of which likely relates to never really loving me the way I love her.

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