Today my gf and I were discussing doing it in the backdoor. She was kinda excited and so was I, since its something ive stated once or twice that I would like to try.

While talking she asks me if ive done it before and well, since I did like 6 years ago, I said yes after hasitating a bit.

Her expression inmediatly changed and a few moments later she left (she already had an appointment planned and had to leave anyways) so we werent really able to talk it out. I did ask her a couple times that if she was ok or if she wanted to talk about it.

Later we text and she tells me shes confused, like angry then sad then dissapointed. I told her i could go see her or give her space, whatever she needed and told her that shes the one ive desired most in my life and that I love her more than any past experience. She did not really answered.

How can I comfort her? I know im not on the wrong but i do realise shes feeling things and i want her to be ok.

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