Men of Reddit – how do you turn arrogance into confidence?

  1. By being consciously aware of it and self reflecting. You can put on an arrogant character just dont get lost in the sauce and people will still admire you.

  2. Competence. The more competent you are the less arrogant you need to be to feel confident in you abilities.

  3. Education. Ignorance leads to arrogance, education leads to doubt until you get enough to be confident. So says Dunning/Krueger.

  4. Its the difference between acting like you know what you are doing and actually knowing. The problem that arises is you can think you know when you don’t.

    So to alter arrogance, you need to first acknowledge there are things you might not know.

    The thing about confidence is, it doesn’t have anything to prove. Its that thing you’ve done many times. It takes no effort. You can just do it. I imagine you can at least tie your shoes with confidence, or brush your teeth, or maybe walk down a street. Its the same with talking to women or earning money or playing an instrument. You have to put the time and work in to earn your confidence.

    ….but confidence is never born from arrogance. Arrogance is often a lie masquerading as confidence.

  5. Lower your expectations. But also balance your emotions by working out/gym. Tried and tested advice

  6. Arrogance is thinking and usually speaking of yourself more highly than you ought to and surpasses reality in terms of actuality.

    Confidence is internal and on target with reality.

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