I have recently lost a bunch of my friends that I have had since I was young. They stopped inviting me to hangout and stopped reaching out for no reason. I called them out for it and they all didn’t have reason to give to me. So I stopped being friends with them. I’m 21 years old and I’m in an awkward position where I don’t go to college where it’s easy to make friends. I work as an electrician and most of my co-workers are in their late 40s or early 50s(all about work and not friendly) and there is rarely anyone my age to connect with. It’s been hard to meet new friends cause I’m socially awkward. I’ve always been fine meeting people with my old friend but now it’s hard that I don’t have them. What should I do?

  1. Ironically I would find your work situation to be conducive to forming friendships. Basically the fact that there’s so many people out of your age range makes it so I’d jump at the chance to bond with the few people who are around my age. The younger guys have fewer options so to speak

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