What do you and your partner argue about the most at Christmas?

  1. She turns the house into a veritable North Pole out of a movie. The amount of shit she has stored just for Christmas is a bit hand wringing for me. She has an 8×10 high-roof shed that contains just some of the Christmas shit. It’s packed. We should’ve gone with a bigger shed. But it’s something I no longer complain about, but it’s something we’ve had “discussions” about in the past.

  2. Family time.

    We don’t really argue about it, but it is the most stressful part of the holiday season for us. Her family’s plans versus my family’s, bigger extended/divorced family against small insular family.

  3. Whether Santa is real or not. No for real its probably when to start decorating for Christmas. Shes already started.

  4. It used to be when she would want me to put up the damn tree and lights like a month before Christmas.

  5. Mostly about the importance of the specific day and affordability. I like to travel for Christmas and actually being overseas on Christmas day costs a lot extra.

    We’re both irreligious and children aren’t in the picture.

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