Lately I have been experiencing stress, losing a lot of appetite and weight, I did work out a lot as well… Today I found two red spots on my dick that weren’t there before.

I also went to a lot of prostitutes (like 20) in the last 4 months, but we always wore a condom.

I just want to make sure it’s nothing serious, I don’t know if I’m allowed to post nudes here so I won’t but I can if you need to assess, this is a throwaway account anyway.

  1. Go to a doctor. It’s cheap and they will get you taken care of. No one here is going to be able to diagnose you from two blemishes on your penis.

    Don’t stress out more if you can – it sounds like you already have plenty of that – most of the sexually transmitted diseases are highly treatable if not curable.

  2. If they look like pimples it could be herpes. Best to get them swabbed and tested. Don’t have sex until you’re sure you’re clean. Shits super contagious.

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