Okay, so I just talk to a friend. I currently live in the US which the age depends on state. But my friend(20M) lives somewhere where the age of consent is 16. He says he prefers them young and I asked him if he meant like 17 or higher and he said no 16 year olds. I just think it’s so gross to target that young of an age group. Like it’s different when you fall in love with someone that age but to purposely say you like them so young. And I know he has been talking to a friend I just made recently he met her through me and she is 14. I know they have been doing a lot of dm calls and etc. I just don’t know if he is going to wait till she is 16 or if he is going to do anything right now with her. She also lives in the US.I don’t know how to react to this but I think I might be overdramatic but I just don’t think I can look at him the same.

This is an edit since I have read the comments I do not know if he has groomed her or if anything happened to him. I just know they are in private calls a lot. Neither of them has told me if anything has happened between them or not. I am just concerned about something happening.

  1. Genuinely, I would not associate with this person. This is despicable. I would also probably tell both this 14 year olds parents and the cops. This is predatory, he’s literally grooming her. Even if it’s legal, it’s still fucked up to go out of his way to fuck teens.

  2. Talking to a 14 year old while waiting to be legally allowed to have sex with them is literally the definition of grooming, so… I think you do know what’s going on, actually.

    The age of consent is a LEGAL framework, not an ethical framework. It is creepy and gross for a grown man to have sex with a high schooler. Your “friend” is a predator.

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