And how do you deal with the fact that both are equally awkward?

  1. Suppose it depends how many beers got this grown man on a slide in the first place

  2. Well im usually going down with my toddler so i make some noises. Makes it more fun

  3. I have a really rare skin condition so usually my skin just slips off my body exposing the flesh beneath, leaving a bloody trail as i scream in agony.

  4. I don’t remember the last time I went on a slide, all my little brothers are now too old for playgrounds. I probably just laughed as I went down.

  5. More like a “wo”. I’m too big for slides to last much longer than that

  6. “AHHHHHHHHH!!” While smiling ear to ear because I’m pretending it’s not weird and awkward for a man in his late twenties to be on a slide. Why would I be on a slide tho? How drunk would I have to be lol. But then why would I be at a park drunk? Lol

    Unless I’m at a water park. Then I don’t give a shit. I love water parks!

  7. I make a horrible squeaking noise as my semi sweaty body intermittently oozes down the way too hot metal slide a sunny summer day.

  8. I’ll be honest I make a noise when I go down slides. Might as well have fun when I’m going down

  9. If I ever find that I am at the top of a slide, I have to pretend I got up there accidentally. “How the hell did I get up here. Guess I better slide down. WEEEEEE!”

    Weeeee is the sound you make when you are having fun. You refer to yourself and some other people.

    -Mitch Hedburg

  10. If I were to yell “woooo!!!”, I’d be required by instinct to have my hands raised in the air. I would much rather keep my hands low to steady myself so I can’t do something like fall off the slide. Once I reach the bottom, THEN I can go “woooo!!!” But until then, I’ll stick to silence. Or laughter, if I’m really enjoying it.


    As for both being awkward, who cares? It’s fun to be silly and not care what irrelevant bystanders think.

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