My wife came home recently with a new haircut. I have never seen her with a haircut I didn’t like.

But this one was rough. I said something nice and then left. Later on we were just chatting. She kept saying that her stylist didn’t cut it the way she wanted it. She showed me pictures and he *totally* missed the mark. I said, “Yeah, he really didn’t achieve that.” “I know!” she said.

I walked into the kitchen and started strategizing. If she actually liked it I didn’t want to say anything. So I was going to wait it out.

I turned around and looked at her.

“What would it look like if you didn’t straighten it,” I asked innocently?

She fixed me with her all-knowing stare.

“What is it,” she said.

“I love you,” I said.

“What,” she repeated.

“I’m sorry. I would never ever say something. But this haircut makes you look like you own a small dog.”

“What?” she said.

“You look like you spend a lot of time on Nextdoor.”

“Are you trying to say I look like a Karen?” she said, cracking up.

“You just… you just look like you drive a Chevy Suburban or something.”

“Nooooooooooooooooo,” she cried out. Then we both started laughing. Turns out she basically thought the same and is getting it styled tomorrow lol.

  1. By the way, in my defense, my wife will just tell me straight up if she doesn’t like my haircut. 😄

  2. Oh you should of take the chance for making some good memes or videos with your Karen

    Could of documented a day in the life of a Karen lol

  3. I’m surprised that you had to tiptoe so much, we just say things to each other straight and laugh. But it’s most often style differences so I like the things but he doesn’t.

  4. Love this lolol

    When my husband & I first started dating, I got a hair cut that was… fine.

    He called it “90s Meg Ryan hair”. To this day his brother still calls me Meg every now & then to mess with me because that’s when I met my now in-laws lol

    Gotta love it

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